Machine Learning

An ML model is Trained by Looping over data multiple times

Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent is a popular algorithm for solving AI problems.

A simple Linear Regression Model can be used to demonstrate a gradient descent.

The goal of a linear regression is to fit a linear graph to a set of (x,y) points. This can be solved with a math formula. But a Machine Learning Algorithm can also solve this.

This is what the example above does.

It starts with a scatter plot and a linear model (y = wx + b).

Then it trains the model to find a line that fits the plot. This is done by altering the weight (slope) and the bias (intercept) of the line.

Below is the code for a Trainer Object that can solve this problem (and many other problems).

A Trainer Object

Create a Trainer object that can take any number of (x,y) values in two arrays (xArr,yArr).

Set both weight and bias to zero.

A learning constant (learnc) has to be set, and a cost variable must be defined:


function Trainer(xArray, yArray) {
  this.xArr = xArray;
  this.yArr = yArray;
  this.points = this.xArr.length;
  this.learnc = 0.00001;
  this.weight = 0;
  this.bias = 1;

Cost Function

A standard way to solve a regression problem, is with an "Cost Function" that measures how good the solution is.

The function uses the weight and bias from the model (y = wx + b) and returns an error, based on how well the line fits a plot.

The way to compute this error, is to loop through all (x,y) points in the plot, and sum the square distances between the y value of each point and the line.

The most conventional way is to square the distances (to ensure positive values) and to make the error function differentiable.

this.costError = function() {
  total = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < this.points; i++) {
    total += (this.yArr[i] - (this.weight * this.xArr[i] + this.bias)) **2;
  return total / this.points;

Another name for the Cost Function is Error Function.

The formula used in the function is actually this:

  • E is the error (cost)
  • N is the total number of observations (points)
  • y is the value (label) of each observation
  • x is the value (feature) of each observation
  • m is the slope (weight)
  • b is intercept (bias)
  • mx + b is the prediction
  • 1/N * N∑1 is the squared mean value

The Train Function

We will now run a gradient descent.

The gradient descent algorithm should walk the cost function towards the best line.

Each iteration should update both m and b towards a line with a lower cost (error).

To do that, we add a train function that loops over all the data many times:

this.train = function(iter) {
  for (let i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
  this.cost = this.costError();

An Update Weights Function

The train function above should update the weights and biases in each iteration.

The direction to move is calculated using two partial derivatives:

this.updateWeights = function() {
  let wx;
  let w_deriv = 0;
  let b_deriv = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < this.points; i++) {
    wx = this.yArr[i] - (this.weight * this.xArr[i] + this.bias);
    w_deriv += -2 * wx * this.xArr[i];
    b_deriv += -2 * wx;
  this.weight -= (w_deriv / this.points) * this.learnc;
  this.bias -= (b_deriv / this.points) * this.learnc;

Create Your Own Library

Library Code

function Trainer(xArray, yArray) {
  this.xArr = xArray;
  this.yArr = yArray;
  this.points = this.xArr.length;
  this.learnc = 0.000001;
  this.weight = 0;
  this.bias = 1;

// Cost Function
this.costError = function() {
  total = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < this.points; i++) {
    total += (this.yArr[i] - (this.weight * this.xArr[i] + this.bias)) **2;
  return total / this.points;

// Train Function
this.train = function(iter) {
  for (let i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
  this.cost = this.costError();

// Update Weights Function
this.updateWeights = function() {
  let wx;
  let w_deriv = 0;
  let b_deriv = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < this.points; i++) {
    wx = this.yArr[i] - (this.weight * this.xArr[i] + this.bias);
    w_deriv += -2 * wx * this.xArr[i];
    b_deriv += -2 * wx;
  this.weight -= (w_deriv / this.points) * this.learnc;
  this.bias -= (b_deriv / this.points) * this.learnc;

} // End Trainer Object

Now you can include the library in HTML:

<script src="myailib.js"></script>

Try it Yourself »

// Create a Trainer Object xArray = [32,53,61,47,59,55,52,39,48,52,45,54,44,58,56,48,44,60]; yArray = [31,68,62,71,87,78,79,59,75,71,55,82,62,75,81,60,82,97]; let myTrainer = new Trainer(xArray, yArray); // Create a Plotter Object let myPlotter = new XYPlotter("myCanvas"); myPlotter.transformXY(); myPlotter.transformMax(100, 100); // Plot the Points myPlotter.plotPoints(xArray.length, xArray, yArray, "blue"); function train(iter) { myTrainer.train(iter); // Display Guessed Results document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "y = x * " + myTrainer.weight.toFixed(2) + " + " + myTrainer.bias.toFixed(2) + "

Cost: " + myTrainer.cost.toFixed(2); myPlotter.plotLine(0, myTrainer.bias, myPlotter.xMax,myPlotter.xMax*(myTrainer.weight)+(myTrainer.bias), "black"); }