Machine Learning Mathematics

The main branches of Mathematics involved in Machine Learning are

Machine Learning = Mathematics

Behind every ML success there is Mathematics.

All ML models are constructed using solutions and ideas from math.

The purpose of ML is to create models for understanding thinking.

If you want an ML career:

  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Robot Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Natural Language Expert
  • Deep Learning Scientist
  • You should focus on the mathematic concepts described here.

    Linear Functions

  • Linear means straight
  • A linear function is a straight line
  • A linear graph represents a linear function
  • // Generate values var xValues = []; var yValues = []; for (var x = 0; x <= 10; x += 1) { xValues.push(x); yValues.push(x); } // Display using Plotly var data = [{x:xValues, y:yValues, type:"lines"}]; var layout = {title: "f(x) = x"}; Plotly.newPlot("myPlot1", data, layout);


    • Graphics plays an important role in Math
    • Graphics plays an important role in Statistics
    • Graphics plays an important role in Machine Learning

    Linear Algebra

    Linear algebra is the bedrock of data science.

    Knowing linear algebra boosts your ability to understand data science algorithms.

    1 2 3

    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    4 5 6
    1 2 3


    Probability is how likely something is to occur, or how likely something is true.

    I have 6 balls in a bag: 3 reds, 2 are green, and 1 is blue.

    Blindfolded. What is the probability that I pick a green one?

    Number of ways it can happen are 2 (there are 2 greens).

    Number of outcomes are 6 (there are 6 balls).

    The probability is 2 out of 6: 2/6 = 0.333333...

    Probability = Ways / Outcomes


    Statistics is about how to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data.

    Statistics works with questions like:

  • What is the most Common?
  • What is the most Expected?
  • What is the most Normal?
  • Standard Normal Distribution