Machine Learning Intro

This Tutorial covers the basics of

Linear Functions

// Generate values var xValues = []; var yValues = []; for (var x = 0; x <= 10; x += 1) { xValues.push(x); yValues.push(x); } // Display using Plotly var data = [{x:xValues, y:yValues, type:"lines"}]; var layout = {title: "f(x) = x"}; Plotly.newPlot("myPlot1", data, layout);

Linear Algebra

1 2 3

1 2 3
4 5 6
1 2 3
4 5 6
4 5 6
1 2 3

Machine Learning Statistics

Machine Learning assumes that the user has some knowledge of statistics.

This section covers the Statistic Methods involved in Machine Learning.


Standard Normal Distribution


What is the probability of throwing 3 fours?

Machine Learning

This section of this tutorial covers the main Machine Learning aspects.


TensorFlow.js is a popular Machine Learning Library.

TensorFlow.js is written in JavaScript. This allows Machine Learning functions to run in the Browser or in any Web Application.

JavaScript Graphics

This section describes JavaScript libraries to use for Machine Learning Graphics and other HTML charts.

var xArray = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150]; var yArray = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15]; var data = [{x:xArray, y:yArray, mode:"markers", type:"scatter"}]; var layout = { xaxis: {range: [40, 160], title: "Square Meters"}, yaxis: {range: [5, 16], title: "Price in Millions"}, title: "House Prices vs. Size" }; Plotly.newPlot("myPlot21", data, layout);

The History

The last section of this tutorial takes a look at the development of human intelligence and artificial intelligence.

About 70 000 years ago, the human brain started to develop "Cognitive Intelligence":

  • To understand words
  • To understand numbers
  • To understand counting
  • Cognitive intelligence also created:

  • The understanding of languages
  • The understanding of calculating
  • The understanding of a personal mind
  • The understanding of abstract thinking
  • Computers are a result of the human need for doing Complex Calculations.

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a result of the never stopping development of advanced computers.