Adding Icons for TextView

  • Android also allows adding drawable with the text views.
  • There are three positions to add the icons for the TextView. They are a start, end, top, and bottom.
  • Refer to the following code and its output, to know how to add the drawable icons to the Text View.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:textSize="32sp" />

        android:textSize="32sp" />



Working With the TextView in Android

TextView in Android is one of the basic and important UI elements. This plays a very important role in the UI experience and depends on how the information is displayed to the user. This TextView widget in Android can be dynamized in various contexts. For example, if the important part of the information is to be highlighted then the substring that contains, it is to be italicized or it has to be made bold, one more scenario is where if the information in TextView contains a hyperlink that directs to a particular web URL then it has to be spanned with hyperlink and has to be underlined.

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Operations Performed in TextView on Android

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Step by Step Implementation

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1. Formatting the TextView

Android offers mainly 3 types of typefaces normalsansserifmonospace...

2. Size of the TextView

This feature of the Text view upholds what type of content has to be shown to the user. For example, if there is a Heading, there are 6 types of heading that can be implemented have a look at the following image which contains the guidelines for the size of the text view and style of the text view which is recommended by Google’s Material Design....

3. Changing Text Style

In Android there are basically three text styles: BoldItalicNormal...

4. Changing the Text Color

The color of the text should also change according to the change in the context of the information displayed to the user.For example, if there is warning text it must be in the red color and for disabled text, the opacity or the text color should be grayish. To change the color of the text, the attribute “textColor” is used.Android also offers the predefined text colors, which can be implemented using “@android:color/yourColor” as value for the “textColor”. Here the value may be hex code or the predefined colors offered by the android....

5. Text Shadow

Shadow for the text can also be given in Android. The attributes required for the shadowed text view are:...

6. Letter Spacing and All Caps

Letter spacing and capital letters are some of the important properties of the text View in android.For the text of buttons and tab layouts, the text should be in uppercase letters recommended by Google Material Design.The letter spacing also should be maintained according to the scenario....

7. Adding Icons for TextView

Android also allows adding drawable with the text views.There are three positions to add the icons for the TextView. They are a start, end, top, and bottom.Refer to the following code and its output, to know how to add the drawable icons to the Text View....