Adding the JPA repository

3.1 ManufactureRepo

This Interface contains the forms the bridge of entity Manufactures to the Database

package com.example.Mapping.Repositories;

import com.example.Mapping.Models.Manufactures;

 * Spring Data JPA repository for the Manufacture entity.
 * This interface extends JpaRepository and provides basic 
 * CRUD operations for Manufactures entities.
public interface ManufacturesRepo extends JpaRepository<Manufactures, Integer> {

3.2 ModelRepo

This Interface contains the forms the bridge of entity Model to the Database

package com.example.Mapping.Repositories;

import com.example.Mapping.Models.Model;

 * Spring Data JPA repository for the Model entity.
 * This interface extends JpaRepository and provides basic 
 * CRUD operations for Model entities.
public interface ModelRepo extends JpaRepository<Model, Integer> {

3.3 MappingApplication

Driver class for Spring Boot application to test the One-to-One Mapping of hibernate.

  • This Spring Boot application initializes and saves data using JPA repositories.
  • It creates a Manufacturer(“Honda”) entity and two associated Model (“AYZ” and “ZET”) entities with a one-to-many relationship.
  • The data is then stored in corresponding repositories during the application’s run.
package com.example.Mapping;

import com.example.Mapping.Models.Manufactures;
import com.example.Mapping.Models.Model;
import com.example.Mapping.Repositories.ManufacturesRepo;
import com.example.Mapping.Repositories.ModelRepo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

 * Spring Boot application for mapping relationships between Manufactures and Models.
public class MappingApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    // Injecting Manufactures and Model repositories using autowiring
    private ManufacturesRepo manufacturesRepo;
    private ModelRepo modelRepo;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

        // Creating a new Manufactures object with ID 1 and name "Honda"
        Manufactures data = new Manufactures(1, "Honda");

        // Saving the Manufactures record;

        // Creating two new Model objects associated with the "Honda" manufacturer
        Model model1 = new Model(1, "AYZ", data);
        Model model2 = new Model(2, "ZET", data);

        // Saving the Model records;;

Run the main application:

Console log of project running.

Manufacture Table

Database view of manufactures table:

Model Table

Database view of model table:

The below image depicts the link between the two tables.

Hibernate – One-to-Many Mapping

Hibernate is used to increase the data manipulation efficiency between the spring application and the database, insertion will be done is already defined with the help of hibernating.

  • JPA (Java persistence API) is like an interface and hibernate is the implementation of the methods of the interface.

In this article, we will discuss One-to-Many Mapping in the Hibernate. Let’s understand the One-to-many mapping with the help of a real-life example. Bike manufacturers can manufacture multiple models of the bike, but the same bike model cannot be manufactured by multiple manufacturers.


This mapped variable of the other tables is responsible for mapping between two tables.


For this example, we will map the id field of manufactures to the manufacture_id of the model entity.

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