as a Rational Number

Yes, 2.6 is a Rational Number, as it can be expressed in fraction or ratio form.


Number 2.6 can be represented as shown below:

=> 2.6 = 26/10

This can be further broken down as,

⇒26/10 = 13/5

Number 13/5 is the ratio of two integers that are 13 integers divided by 5 integers and expressed in fraction form (as p/q where q is not equal to 0).

Hence, 2.6 is a rational number.

Is 2.6 a rational number?

Yes, 2.6 is a Rational Number

A rational number is defined as a real number in the form of [Tex]A/B[/Tex] where B is not equal to zero. In simple words, we can state that any fraction with a non-zero denominator is a rational number.

Rational numbers involve all positive integers and negative integers. Even 0 is rational as it has a non-zero denominator.

Mathematical representation of rational numbers is A/B

where B is not equal to Zero(0)

For example:

  • 2/3 is a rational number
  • 4 is also a rational number, as 4 can be written as 4/1
  • [Tex]√25[/Tex] is also a rational number as it can further be written as 5, and 5 can be written as 5/1, which is a fractional form

So, we can say that if we can write it in ratio or fraction form, then it is a rational number.

Now let’s jump into the question.

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2.6 as a Rational Number

Yes, 2.6 is a Rational Number, as it can be expressed in fraction or ratio form....

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