
Axios simplifies making HTTP requests from both browsers and Node.js applications with its promise-based API. It supports features like request and response interception, automatic JSON parsing, and error handling, making it a preferred choice for handling HTTP communication.

To install it in the project run the following command:

npm install axios


const axios = require('axios');

.then(response => {
.catch(error => {

Top npm packages for node

NodeJS has become an effective tool for server-side development, thanks to its extensive ecosystem of npm packages. These packages offer a wide range of functionalities, from web frameworks to utility libraries, enabling users to build robust and scalable applications efficiently. In this article, we’ll delve into seven top npm packages for NodeJS development, along with installation instructions and usage examples.

We will discuss about top npm packages for node:

Table of Content

  • 1. Express
  • 2. Lodash
  • 3. Axios
  • 4.
  • 5. Mongoose
  • 6. Nodemon
  • 7. Joi
  • Conclusion

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1. Express:

Express JS stands out as a simple web framework that simplifies building web applications and APIs in NodeJS. Its unopinionated nature allows users to structure applications according to their preferences, making it a go-to choice for many projects....

2. Lodash:

Lodash is a utility library offering a wide range of functions for manipulating arrays, objects, strings, and more in JavaScript. It enhances code readability and simplifies common tasks, such as data manipulation and functional programming....

3. Axios:

Axios simplifies making HTTP requests from both browsers and Node.js applications with its promise-based API. It supports features like request and response interception, automatic JSON parsing, and error handling, making it a preferred choice for handling HTTP communication....

4. facilitates real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and servers, making it ideal for building interactive web applications, chat applications, and multiplayer games....

5. Mongoose:

Mongoose is an elegant MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment like Node.js. It provides a straightforward schema-based solution to model your application data, offering features such as validation, query building, and hooks....

6. Nodemon:

Nodemon is a handy utility that monitors changes in your NodeJS application and automatically restarts the server whenever a change is detected. This eliminates the need to manually stop and restart the server during development, thereby boosting productivity....

7. Joi:

Joi is a powerful schema description language and data validator for JavaScript. It allows you to define schemas for complex data structures and validate input against those schemas. Joi is particularly useful in applications where data integrity and validation are critical, such as form submissions and API payloads....


These seven npm packages represent just a glimpse of the vast ecosystem available for NodeJS development. By manipulating these packages, users can expedite the development process, improve code quality, and build powerful applications with ease. As you explore further, you’ll find npm to be a treasure trove of tools and libraries catering to various development needs....