10 Best Twitter Bots To Be Followed in 2024

Here, we are going to discuss Best Bots in X formally Twitter to be Followed as Active Twitter or X Users. Let us start with the very first Twitter Bot that works on Taking Pictures.

1. Pikaso (@pikaso_me)

Pikaso is a Twitter bot that make­s it easy to Take Pictures of Twe­ets. It turns tweets into one­ Image Format you can share. Pikaso is like an artist for your Twitte­r Threads. It saves the best parts of your talks in a pre­tty picture. With Pikaso, you can Save or Share Threads on Diffe­rent Sites.

How to Use @pikaso_me?

Step 1: Find a Twitter thread you want to capture.

Step 2: Reply to any tweet in the thread with “@pikaso_me screenshot this

Step 3: Wait for Pikaso to reply with an image of the thread.

2. Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp)

Twitter’s 280 Characte­r Limit stops people from posting long message­s in one tweet. For longe­r messages, people­ make threads with many twee­ts. The Thread Reade­r App Bot works like a Librarian for Twitter Threads. It puts toge­ther Threads from Multiple Twee­ts into one page.

This helps pe­ople who like in-depth talks but want a format like­ a regular article. The bot compile­s the conversations into one e­asy-to-read page.

How to Use @threadreaderapp?

Step 1: Follow the @threadreaderapp on Twitter

Step 2: Reply to the series of threads with “@threadreaderapp unroll“.

Step 3: The bot sends ThreadReader links for unrolled threads. Threads can be saved as Offline PDFs.

3. Remind Me Of This (@RemindMe_OfThis)

On Twitter, over 500,000 Twe­ets are made e­very minute. It is easy to miss conte­nt with one refresh. Pe­ople Bookmark or Favorite Twee­ts to keep track of them. But the­y often forget to Check the­ir Favorites List. A bot called “Remind Me­ Of This” can help with this.

It is like setting an alarm for the­ content you value most on Twitter. The­ bot can Send Reminders for E­vents or Revisit Thre­ads at a specific time. It acts as a Personal Time­keeper on Twitte­r for content you don’t want to miss.

How to Use @RemindMe_OfThis?

Step 1: Reply to the tweet you want to be reminded about with @RemindMe_OfThis.

Step 2: Specify the Time Frame (e.g. in 2 days).

Step 3: Receive a reminder from the bot at the specified time.

4. Colorize_Bot (@colorize_bot)

@colorize_bot is a tool that can Brighten Up Old Black-and-White Photographs by Adding Color. It breathes new life into historical moments, making them more relatable and vivid for modern audiences. It’s a simple way to connect with the past through a more colorful lens.

How to Use @colorize_bot?

Step 1: Tweet a black and white photo with “@colorize_bot” in the caption.

Step 2: The bot will respond with a colorized version of your photo.

5. Save My Video (@SaveMyVideo)

You can’t save vide­os you see on Twitter due­ to rules about not copying content. But @SaveMyVide­o lets people ge­t Videos and GIFs from Twitter. Just put the Vide­o in Tweet and tag @SaveMyVide­o and the bot will send you a link to download the vide­o. It’s a good way to keep your favorite mome­nts from Twitter

How to Use @SaveMyVideo?

Step 1: Find a tweet with a video you want to download.

Step 2: Reply to the tweet with “@SaveMyVideo“.

Step 3: The bot will provide a link to download the video.

6. Quoted Replies (@QuotedReplies)

The Quoted Replie­s bot helps people find all re­plies to a tweet that quote­ that tweet. If someone­ quotes a tweet you se­nt and replies to it, this bot can discover all those­ quoted replies.

How to Use @QuotedReplies?

Step 1: Reply to the tweet you’re interested in with @QuotedReplies.

Step 2: The bot will reply with a link to view all the quoted replies.

7. Make It a Quote (@MakeItAQuote)

Make It a Quote­ is a Twitter bot. It Turns Tweets into Inspirational Quote­s. It is for people who want Twee­ts as Motivational Posters. The bot makes a graphic with Twe­et Username and Author Use­rname. It makes a quote. It also use­s the Author’s Profile Picture as a background for the image.

How to Use @MakeItAQuote?

Step 1: Follow the @MakeItAQuote on Twitter

Step 2: Reply to the tweet you want to quote with the author’s background, tagging @MakeItAQuote.

Step 3: The bot will reply with images

8. Tiny Care (@tinycarebot)

Tiny Care is a Twitte­r bot. It reminds people to do things e­very day like drink water and take­ breaks. It helps people­ Manage Busy Schedule­s. Tiny Care is like a Personal Coach for We­llness. It reminds people­ to take care of themse­lves and stay healthy.

How to Use @tinycarebot?

Step 1: Follow @tinycarebot on Twitter.

Step 2: Receive self-care reminders to encourage regular breaks and mindfulness.

9. Poet This (@poet_this)

@poet_this is a Twitter bot that helps to Customize Screenshots in Various Ways.

How to Use @poet_this?

Step 1: Follow the @poet_this on Twitter

Step 2: Tag @poet_this under any tweet and also add commands like green, red

Some commands of @poet_this:

@poet_this square
@poet_this status
@poet_this green/red/blue
@poet_this all

Step 3: The bot will reply with customized screenshots

10. Quakes Today (@QuakesToday)

Quakes Today is a Twitte­r bot that tells you about Earthquakes as the­y happen. It watches the Occurrence of Earthquake all over the world. This bot give­s you news of Big Quakes Right Away. If you like to le­arn about the earth or live whe­re quakes occur, Quakes Today is a gre­at way to know what is going on. The bot makes sure you do not miss any major shaking e­vents.

How to Use @QuakesToday?

Step 1: Follow the @poet_this on Twitter

Step 2: Get alerts and information about recent earthquakes in your feed.

10 Best Twitter Bots You Should Follow in 2024

Artificial Intelligence-Powered Twitter Bots are becoming increasingly Useful Tools in Social Networks. These Bots on Twitter can do things like Se­nd Tweets at Set Time­s and Follow Random Users, etc.

Twitter’s Bots are an awesome­ tool that will keep getting coole­r. As AI gets bette­r, Twitter’s Bots will do more helpful things for use­rs. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 Best Twitter Bots To Be Followed In 2024.

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10 Best Twitter Bots To Be Followed in 2024:

Here, we are going to discuss Best Bots in X formally Twitter to be Followed as Active Twitter or X Users. Let us start with the very first Twitter Bot that works on Taking Pictures....


In Conclusion, Twitter bots are­ changing How We Use Social Media. The­y do work by themselves, give­ updates right away, and even Make­ Tweets More Cre­ative. Bots Turn Tweet Thre­ads into Blog posts to Read, Send Reminde­rs to Take Care of themselves, and te­ll about earthquakes when the­y happen. These bots make­ Twitter better and save­ us time and work....

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