Binary to Hexadecimal Number System

To convert from Binary to Hexadecimal, start grouping the bits in groups of 4 from the right-end and write the equivalent hexadecimal for the 4-bit binary. Add extra 0’s on the left to adjust the groups. 


0011 1101 1011
(001111011011 )2 = (3DB)16 

Number System and Base Conversions

Electronic and Digital systems may use a variety of different number systems, (e.g. Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, Binary), or even Duodecimal or less well known but better named Uncial. All the other bases other than Decimal result from computer usage. Uncial (named from Latin for 1/12 “uncia” the base twelve analogue of Decimal from the Latin word for 1/10 “decima”). 

Table of Content

  • What is Number System ?
  • Number System Conversion Methods
  • 1. Decimal to Binary Number System
  • 2. Binary to Decimal Number System
  • 3. Decimal to Octal Number System
  • 4. Octal to Decimal Number System
  • 5. Hexadecimal to Binary Number System
  • 6. Binary to Hexadecimal Number System
  • 7. Binary to Octal Number System

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In the conclusion, number system provides a representation of a number with respect to the given base or radix. Basically, we have common types of number system named as binary number system, decimal number system, octal number system and hexadecimal number system....

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