Canadarm – Canadian Space Agency – 1981

The Canadarm was made by the Canadian Space Agency in 1981. It is a robot arm built for use in space.

  • The arm helps with space exploration and research.
  • It can grab and move things in space.
  • Astronauts use it for tasks outside their spacecraft.
  • It works like a big mechanical hand.
  • The Canadarm is part of space shuttles and other spacecraft.
  • It can reach far places in space.
  • It helps put together and fix things in space.
  • By making space missions safer and more efficient, the Canadarm changed how we explore space.
  • The development of the Canadarm shows Canada’s skill and creativity in space technology.
  • Even now, the Canadarm is still used in space missions.

List of Canadian Inventions

List of Canadian Inventions: Canadian inventors have patented more than one million innovations. In 2018, the Rideau Hall Foundation organized the Canadian Innovation Space. It was a collaboration project of different groups. It aimed to encourage a stronger culture of creativity in Canada. It was designed to showcase the talent of individuals and different teams in developing technology and programs to enhance the lives of Canadians and improve community and environmental well-being across the country.

In this article, we are going to discuss different Canadian Inventions in detail.

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List of Canadian Inventions

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2. Canadarm – Canadian Space Agency – 1981

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