Communal Harmony

Gandhi always made an effort for Hindu-Muslim unity. At the present time, this ideology is equally significant. If Hindus and Muslims are united, the country can reach the heights of becoming a world power. A person should always respect others’ faith. Cases of mob lynching are also violating the Gandhian ideology of communal harmony, so steps should be taken in this direction.

Relevance of Gandhian Principles or Philosophy in the 21st Century

Basic Principles of Gandhian Ideology or Philosophy or Gandhism: People still remember and cherish the person who was incredibly responsible for achieving this freedom. Often quoted, Mahatma Gandhi is remembered for his teachings. His ideas still resonate in people’s minds. However, how relevant are these ideas of non-violence and truth that give us freedom today? Mahatma Gandhi is considered the most splendid Statesman of India. His ideas and views still hold a significant position in the country’s policies and governance and underline the most humane way to resolve many of the problems that plague our society.

Table of Content

  • 1. Ahimsa
  • 2. Satyagraha
  • 3. Swaraj
  • 4. Swadeshi
  • 5. Secularism
  • 6. Communal Harmony
  • 7. Decentralization
  • 8. Cleanliness
  • 9. Sustainable Environment
  • 10. Women’s Emancipation

Born in Porbandar, Gujarat, Gandhi played a significant role in India’s struggle for freedom. His thoughts of ahimsa and truth, swadeshi and swaraj, helped India free itself from colonial rule. However, the central question is whether this policy is still relevant at present times or not. Let us compare the Gandhian policy with its present scenario.

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Gandhism or Gandhian Ideologies Policy Still Relevant Today:

1. Ahimsa:...

1. Ahimsa:

Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of non-violence is very relevant as the world faces terrorism and other forms of violence. Mahatma Gandhi’s policy of non-violence was based on the concept of non-violence and compassion. Against colonial violence, he proposed a nonviolent response. In his view, a calm, nonviolent response reduces the attacker’s wrath and frustration and is a more potent weapon than violence. The Salt March of 1930 was one of the most famous acts of Gandhi’s peaceful resistance. In present times, the ideal of non-violence needs to guide the approach of individuals and nations, and world organizations, like violence, initiate a vicious circle of repression and injustice....

2. Satyagraha:

Gandhiji called the general method of nonviolent action ‘Satyagraha’. It is the expression of the purest spiritual power against all injustice, oppression, and exploitation. Satyagraha was thought of as the moral alternative to war....

3. Swaraj:

According to Mahatma Gandhi “Real Swaraj will come, not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused“. Swaraj holds a significant position in today’s society. In the age of markets laden with products based on generating and gratifying instant of social approval, and when public imagination is becoming increasingly vulnerable to demagogues, the economic, social, spiritual, and political connotations of swaraj still continue to be significant....

4. Swadeshi:

Indigenous peoples focus on political and economic action inside and outside their communities. It is the interdependence of community and self-reliance. Gandhi’s thought of swadeshi is still prevalent in our society, by taking steps towards making India self-reliant....

5. Secularism:

Gandhism was tolerant of all religions. Today, the world needs more and more religious and intelligently tolerant people in societies where violence is perpetrated in the name of religion. In society, tolerance helps to neutralize religion, caste, ethnicity, region, etc. in the world, based on day-to-day ethnic-Centered prejudices....

6. Communal Harmony:

Gandhi always made an effort for Hindu-Muslim unity. At the present time, this ideology is equally significant. If Hindus and Muslims are united, the country can reach the heights of becoming a world power. A person should always respect others’ faith. Cases of mob lynching are also violating the Gandhian ideology of communal harmony, so steps should be taken in this direction....

7. Decentralization:

The Gandhian idea of decentralization was implemented in democracies through the 73rd and 74th amendments, which empowered local self-governments at the grassroots level. Indian Government, for instance, has implemented local self-government by adopting the Panchayati Raj and Municipality system in rural and urban areas, respectively, and providing them with some subjects under the state list. This ideology of Gandhi is still relevant and plays a vital role in India’s grass root development....

8. Cleanliness:

Gandhi paid great attention to purity, or cleanliness and was a staunch advocate of ‘Swachhata’. He used to say, “Cleanliness hi Seva.” India’s most significant cleanliness initiative, the recently implemented Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, fulfills Bapu’s dream of making India clean....

9. Sustainable Environment:

Gandhi always spoke of minimization of wants and advocated a nature-friendly idea. Gandhi believed that “there is enough on earth for human needs but not enough for human greed.” These lines from Mahatma Gandhi show how human behavior destroys nature, and there is a need for a sustainable lifestyle in our times....

10. Women’s Emancipation:

Gandhi played a vital role in bringing women out of their domestic work and involved them in public life. He was against the patriarchal form of society. With glass ceilings still far from being shattered in the public sphere, the Gandhian thought of women’s emancipation remains relevant....


Gandhi’s thought was an inspiration for society. Ultimately, all ideas and thoughts of the Mahatma were reached by him via lifelong experimentation with truths, which makes Gandhian thoughts more significant in the present era. In order to become a superpower, India should pay homage to Gandhian ideology and walk in the assigned path....