Connecting IDE with AWS-Bucket

Now, using the access keys we obtained earlier, we will connect our IDE with the cloud. To do this, head over to the file in the resources folder of the spring project that you just created and imported in your IDE. Next, add the following four properties:

  •{the-region-of-cloud eg: ap-south-1}

This will allow your ide to interact and fetch resources from your cloud account. Remember to remove your secret keys and access keys, incase you want to share your code.

How To List All AWS S3 Objects In A Bucket Using Java

Amazon Web Services provides its Simple Storage service for uploading data to the cloud. Data in S3 is stored as objects inside buckets. This data can then be used as per the bucket policy. Accessing data through code is one means of processing this stored data in the cloud. In the following sections of this article, we will look at how we can see what objects we have inside our AWS bucket using the AWS Java SDK.

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Conveniently for us, the Spring framework in Java provides an easy way to help us interact with our cloud resources. To begin with, let’s understand the prerequisites for this guide. To begin using AWS with Java, the following steps are needed:...


Keep your bucket name relevant to improve the code’s understandability and readability. It is recommended to create a separate bucket that holds the objects that you want to access through code only. This ensures that the principle of least privilege is upheld. Keep your AWS access keys and secret keys private. The minimum JDK version should be at least 1.8 (Java 8). The correct way of using the S3 SDK is through Maven central dependency only. Add dependencies for only those services that you need in your project to improve memory performance. Unless you are working on a complex application and have to use many services in code....

1. Create a bucket and add some Objects to it

To learn how to create a bucket and objects to it, please visit this link. After you have created a bucket please follow through the remaining steps. For the purpose of this tutorial, the name of my bucket is “spring-aws-sdk-demo”....

2. Attach Bucket Policy

To learn more on policies and how to create them, please visit this link. The policy I will use for my bucket in this tutorial is as follows:...

3. Obtain Access Keys from AWS Management Console

Open the AWS management console and in the top right corner, open the drop down next to the user-name. Click on the `security credentials` option....

4. Generate new project from spring starter


5. Connecting IDE with AWS-Bucket

Now, using the access keys we obtained earlier, we will connect our IDE with the cloud. To do this, head over to the file in the resources folder of the spring project that you just created and imported in your IDE. Next, add the following four properties:...

6. Adding S3 SDK to Your Project

Add the following dependency to your project. This dependency will pull the s3 code from maven central and make it available for you to use in your local environment....

7. Develop Code to List Resources

We will have three main modules as follows:-...


We have seen how to prepare our IDE to connect with the cloud by obtaining access keys and adding them to our project. Next, we took a look at how we can list all our s3 resources using Java and AWS. Please feel free to leave comments incase you face any issues....

How to list all AWS S3 objects in a bucket using Java – FAQ’s

How to list all objects in S3 bucket Java?...