Creating file using the `touch` command in Linux

We can create an empty file (or multiple empty files) using touch command in Linux. But its main purpose is to change or update the time-stamp of a file. Major operations that can be done using it are as follows:

Creating a file using touch in Linux

touch file2

touch file2

Used `ls` command to list files in the current directory and used `cat` command to see the content inside a file. 

Creating multiple files at same time using `touch` command in Linux

touch file_1 file_2 file_3 file_4

touch file_1 file_2 file_3 file_4

How to display timestamp of files in Linux

ls -l

ls -l

How to change timestamp of a file in Linux

For example: If we want to change the timestamp of a file_name `file_1`. We use command as follows.

touch file_1

touch file_1

Using `ls -l` command to display timestamp of files.

How to Create File in Linux

Today, we’re going to learn about something really important – how to create files in Linux. It’s like creating a fresh piece of digital paper to write or store things. We’ll explore different ways to do this using simple commands. Whether you’re just starting out or have been using Linux for a bit, understanding how to create files will make your computer adventures a lot easier. So, let’s jump in and discover how to make new files in Linux together!

There are mainly seven ways of creating files in Linux. All of them have their own purpose and benefits. They are as follows:

Table of Content

  • 1. Creating file using the `cat` command in Linux
  • 2. Creating file using the `touch` command in Linux
  • 3. Creating File using `vi` or `vim` command in Linux
  • 4.Creating file using `nano` command in Linux
  • 5. Creating a file using `gedit` command in Linux
  • 6. Using `mv` command to Create File in Linux
  • 7. Creating file using `printf` command in Linux

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Frequently asked questions

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In conclusion, mastering file creation in Linux offers versatile solutions for efficient command-line management. From the simplicity of `cat` to advanced options like `vi` and `vim`, user-friendly choices such as `nano` and `gedit`, and even unexpected versatility in the `mv` command, we explored a diverse toolkit. Frequently asked questions clarified distinctions between file creation and editing, providing a comprehensive understanding of command-line editors. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this knowledge equips you to navigate Linux with confidence, creating and managing files effortlessly...