Database Design for TikTok System Design

Database Design for TikTok System Design

Below is the explanation of the above database design:

7.1 Users Database


UserID (Primary Key)
Password (Hashed)
Profile Picture URL
Registration Date

  • UserID: Unique identifier for users.
  • Username: Name chosen for user identification.
  • Email: User’s email address used for registration.
  • Password: Securely hashed user password.
  • Profile Picture URL: Link to the user’s profile image.
  • Bio: Brief description or biography of the user.
  • Registration Date: Date when the user signed up.

7.2 Social Graph


UserID (Primary Key)
Follower IDs (Array/Map)
Following IDs (Array/Map)
Additional Graph Information

  • UserID: Unique identifier for users.
  • Follower IDs: Ds of users following the current user.
  • Following IDs: IDs of users followed by the current user.
  • Additional Graph Information: Supplementary data related to the social graph.

7.3 Videos Database


VideoID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key to Users)
Upload Date
Views Count
Other Metadata

  • VideoID: Unique identifier for each uploaded video.
  • UserID: Foreign key linking the video to its uploader.
  • Title: Name or title of the uploaded video.
  • Description: Brief description of the video content.
  • Upload Date: Date when the video was uploaded.
  • Views Count: Number of views the video has received.
  • Duration: Length of the video in time.
  • Other Metadata: Supplementary data associated with the video.

7.4 Interactions Database


LikeID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key to Users)
VideoID (Foreign Key to Videos)
Additional Like Information

  • LikeID: Unique identifier for each like action.
  • UserID: Foreign key linking the like to the user.
  • VideoID: Foreign key linking the like to a specific video.
  • Timestamp: Time when the like was made.
  • Additional Like Information: Extra data associated with the like action.


DislikeID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key to User)
VideoID (Foreign Key to Video)

  • DisikeID: Unique identifier for each dislike action.
  • UserID: Foreign key linking the like to the user.
  • VideoID: Foreign key linking the like to a specific video.
  • Timestamp: Time when the like was made.
  • Additional Like Information: Extra data associated with the dislike action.


CommentID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign Key to Users)
VideoID (Foreign Key to Videos)
Comment Text
Additional Comment Information

  • CommentID: Unique identifier for each comment.
  • UserID: Foreign key linking the comment to the user.
  • VideoID: Foreign key linking the comment to a specific video.
  • Comment Text: Text content of the user’s comment.
  • Timestamp: Time when the comment was made.
  • Additional Comment Information: Supplementary data related to the comment.

Designing TikTok | System Design

TikTok, the globally acclaimed video-sharing platform, enchants audiences with its short, captivating content. Behind this phenomenon lies a sophisticated system meticulously designed to handle vast user-generated videos, likes, and personalized recommendations. From video uploads to tailored feeds, TikTok’s design weaves together smart technologies and algorithms, ensuring a seamless experience.

Important Topics for Designing System Design

  • What is TikTok?
  • Requirements for TikTok System Design
  • Capacity Estimation of TikTok System Design
  • Use Case Diagram for TikTok System Design
  • Low-Level Design(LLD) for TikTok System Design
  • High-Level Design for TikTok System Design
  • Database Design for TikTok System Design
  • Types of Databases used in TikTok Design
  • API Used for Communicating with the servers in TikTok System Design
  • Microservices used in TikTok System Design
  • Scalability in TikTok System Design

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7. Database Design for TikTok System Design

Database Design for TikTok System Design...

8. Types of Databases used in TikTok Design


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11. Scalability in TikTok System Design
