Default Log Location

By default, Redis logs are stored in a file called redis-server.log. The default location for the log file is the Redis data directory.

Where are Redis Logs Stored?

Redis logs are typically stored in files on the server where Redis is running. The exact location of the log files depends on the operating system and the Redis configuration.

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1. Default Log Location

By default, Redis logs are stored in a file called redis-server.log. The default location for the log file is the Redis data directory....

2. Redis Data Directory

The Redis data directory is specified in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf). If no dir directive is specified, and Redis will use the current working directory....

3. Configuration File Directive

The logfile directive in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf) specifies the location of the log file. If the logfile directive is not set, Redis will log to the standard output (stdout) or to the system log, depending on the configuration....

4. Finding Log Location

To find the location of the Redis logs, check the logfile directive in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf). If the logfile directive is not set, Redis will log to the standard output (stdout) or to the system log....

5. Alternative Logging Methods

Redis can also be configured to log to the system log instead of a file. This can be done by setting the logfile directive to an empty string or by using the syslog-enabled directive in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf)....