Defining System Boundaries

Primary actors help define the boundaries of the system by identifying the external entities that interact with it. This helps in determining what functionality should be included in the system and what should be considered external to it.

What are Primary Actors in a Use Case Diagram?

In a use case diagram, primary actors are external entities that interact with the system being modeled. These actors represent roles played by users or other systems that interact with the system being developed. Primary actors are essential for defining the boundaries of the system and identifying the main users or external systems that will interact with it.

For Example:

Let’s understand primary actors by taking example of an e-commerce system

Primary actors in an e-commerce system include:

  • Customer: A person who interacts with the system to browse products, add items to the shopping cart, and place orders.
  • Administrator: A user who manages the system, including adding or removing products, managing inventory, and processing orders.
  • Payment Gateway: An external system that processes payments on behalf of the e-commerce system.

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