Deleting Referenced Row

The foreign key field in the child table will be set to null if the relevant row in the parent table is deleted and the foreign key column does not have ON DELETE CASCADE defined.


name varchar(255)

name varchar(255),
table1_id INT REFERENCES table1(id)

INSERT INTO table2 (id, name , table1_id) VALUES (1, 'Ayush' ,NULL);

DELETE FROM table1 WHERE id = 1;

SELECT * From table2;


Delete Row Method

Explanation: The SQL code creates two tables, table1 and table2, with a foreign key relationship. After inserting a row into table2 with a NULL value for table1_id, deleting the referenced row in table1 results in a NULL value in table2’s foreign key column.

Foreign Key with a Null Value in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL’s support for nullable foreign key columns provides flexibility in cases where child table rows may not reference specific parent table rows. However, managing these nullable foreign keys requires attention to maintain data integrity. Explore the methods and implications of implementing nullable foreign keys in PostgreSQL.

When using nullable foreign keys, there are a few trade-offs to take into account:

  • Flexibility: It enables the representation of scenarios in which a child row may not require or have a valid parent at this time.
  • Data Integrity: If nullable foreign keys are not managed appropriately, they may erode data integrity. They may result in “orphaned” rows in the child table, meaning that no data from the parent table is referenced in the child table.

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4. Deleting Referenced Row

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In conclusion, PostgreSQL allows you to define a foreign key column that is capable of accepting NULL values, which gives your data model more flexibility. But it’s crucial to think about the effects of NULL values in foreign keys and make sure your application logic deals with them properly. While nullable foreign keys provide flexibility, managing NULL values is critical for maintaining data integrity and ensuring seamless application logic....