Different Types of Interviews

Here are 7 different types of interviews that will help you understand how to tackle and prepare for individual interviews respectively. 

1. Structured Interviews (Directive Interview)

Structured interviews are usually those interview processes where everything is organized. The employer has a fixed set of questions that he asks all the candidates. This help employers grade the candidates without being biased as they’ve to answer the same question which is not experienced based. 

Interviewers can ask you different types of questions which are based on the job role. They can ask either job-related questions or behavioral-based or situational-based questions. 

Usually, structured interviews are closed-ended unlike unstructured interviews or semi-structured interviews which don’t help much to understand a candidate. So, if you’re going to have such type of interviews, ensure that you stay true to your answer and keep your answers crisp.

If you’re searching around for some examples of common interview questions and answers, we got the exact article for you. Read through 9 Common Interview Questions & Answers For Freshers (2023) to know how you can tackle those common interview questions that your future boss might throw on you. Don’t give them a chance to catch you off guard!

2. Unstructured Interviews (Non-Directive Interviews)

Unlike structured interviews, unstructured interviews are open-ended and the interviewer does not have a predetermined set of questions to ask the candidate. The interviewer instead relies on a conversational approach to assess the candidate’s skills, experience, and fit for the role. 

This type of interview is designed to provide a more informal and relaxed atmosphere, allowing the interviewer to gain a better understanding of your personality and potential. 

3. Situational Interviews

Situational interviews are those types of interviews in which the interviewer presents the candidate with a hypothetical situation related to the role they are applying for and asks them how they would respond. 

The interviewer then assesses your problem-solving and decision-making skills, as well as your ability to handle pressure and respond to challenges in the workplace. The goal of a situational interview is to gauge your ability to apply your skills and experience to real-life scenarios.

4. Informational Interviews

An informational interview is an informal conversation with someone who works in the field or industry you’re interested in. You can use it to gain firsthand insights into what a particular job entails and learn valuable career advice. 

Informational interviews are a chance for you to ask questions, assess which career path may be best for you, and make networking connections that could benefit your job search.

5. Screening Interviews 

Screening interviews are brief conversations that aim to determine if a job candidate has the qualifications and characteristics the employer is looking for. 

It typically takes place over the phone or via video call, usually with a recruiter or hiring manager. During the interview, you’ll be asked questions about your background and experience, motivation for applying for the role, and skills relevant to the job. 

These kinds of interviews are also known as phone or video call interviews. 

6. Traditional Interviews

Traditional interviews are one of the more common types of interviews and typically occur in person. They involve a series of questions about your background, skills, and experience that allow the employer to better understand your fit for the role. 

Additionally, you’ll be asked behavioral questions to assess how you would handle certain situations on the job as well as problem-solving scenarios. To make a good impression in a traditional interview, it is important to come prepared with questions to ask the interviewer.

While we’re talking about traditional interviews, you must be wondering what kind of questions recruiters ask in a traditional interview. Check out our article on Top 10 Traditional HR Interview Questions and Answers to get your queries solved!

7. Group Interviews & Panel Interviews

Group interviews and panel interviews are similar in that more than one interviewer is present. In a group interview, multiple candidates will answer questions asked by the recruiter or hiring manager at the same time

Group interviews could be used to compare different candidates and see how they interact with each other as well as members of the team. In panel interviews, multiple senior people from the company ask questions of the candidate(s) one by one. 

It’s important to have an excellent knowledge of the role, organization, and industry if you’re attending this type of interview so you can be sure to make an impression.

7 Different Types of Interviews Every Job-Seeker Should Know

Job interviews come in many varieties, each with its own distinct purpose. From one-on-one conversations to group interviews and panel discussions, the types of interviews can be overwhelming so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the different types of interviews and the best ways to ace them.


How did you feel when you received an interview call from your dream company or any company at all? 

You might have felt excited but there’s also a dash of nervousness because you don’t know what the interviewer might ask you. But if you know what kind of interview it is and what is expected of you, it will lessen your worries tenfold. In this article, you’ll get to know different types of interviews and the ways you can handle them with ease. 

What you can expect from this article:

  • What is an interview?
  • Why interviews are conducted?
  • 7 different types of interviews 
  • Knowing what to expect can help you prepare and make a great impression
  • FAQs

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