Download your Facebook Data

a) Access Facebook settings

  • Access Facebook settings by logging in to your account
  • Click on the downward arrow in the upper right corner of the page.

b) Navigate to ‘Setting & Privacy’

  • A dropdown menu will show up when you click the downward arrow.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” from the menu that drops down.
  • Once you’re in the “Settings & Privacy” area, select “Settings.” You will be sent to the main settings page by doing this.

c) Access “Your Facebook Information”

  • A list of options is displayed on the left side of the settings page. Locate “Your Facebook Information” and choose it.

d) Select the Format and Data Range

  • You may choose the data you wish to download when you get to the “Download Your Information” page.
  • Selecting the desired date range for the data download should come first. You have the option to download all of your data or just a certain period range.

e) Select Media Quality

  • Next, select the download format. Choose between the HTML and JSON formats. Videos and images are included in HTML format, and text-only material is included in JSON format.
  • The media quality for your images and videos will be selectable if you have opted for the HTML format. Select a quality level: high, medium, or poor.

f) Create File

  • After adjusting your download settings, select the “Create File” option. Facebook will begin getting ready to download your information.

g) Download File

  • Facebook will notify you once it has completed processing your data.
  • You may either go back to the “Download Your Information” page or click on the notice.
  • You’ll find a link to download your data file in the “Available Files” area. To download the file to your device, click the link.

h) Extract and Access your messages

  • To view the contents, unpack the file when it has finished downloading.
  • Search the extracted files for the “messages” folder. This folder will include HTML versions of your communications.
  • To see your messages, use a web browser to open the HTML file.

How to Recover Permanently Deleted Messages on Facebook

Facebook is a social media platform that offers few recovery methods but recovery of permanently deleted messages is a difficult task to perform. Despite this difficulty, there are a number of ways to possibly recover missed talks. First, users may search the Facebook Messenger app or online interface for communications that have been archived. Another option would be to ask the receiver for a copy of the exchange.

In the event that none of these methods work, downloading one’s Facebook data offers a complete backup, but one that might not contain every message that has been removed. Users may turn to data recovery software for more sophisticated solutions, albeit there may be privacy concerns. Finally, reaching out to Facebook for help is still a possibility, even though personalized message retrieval is usually not offered.

How to Recover Permanently Deleted Messages on Facebook

  • 1. Examine the Message Archive
  • 2. Download your Facebook Data
  • 3. Use Data Recovery System
  • 4. Contact Facebook Support
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – How to Recover Permanently Deleted Messages on Facebook

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1. Examine the Message Archive


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FAQs – How to Recover Permanently Deleted Messages on Facebook

Restoring permanently deleted Facebook messages might be a difficult task. Despite measures such as reviewing archived messages, contacting recipients, downloading Facebook data, using data recovery tools, and contacting Facebook support, success is not assured. These approaches are not all equally successful, and some pose privacy and security hazards....