Ecological Succession

Ecological succession means when numerous communities are displaced due to extensive natural or artificially caused destruction, succession ensues. This process keeps going until a mature and stable society emerges. It includes species like-

  • Species that colonize new territory first are known as pioneer species. It includes mosses, lichens, bacteria, and fungi. They exhibit rapid growth but have brief lifespans.
  • Sequential or persistent Seralian stages or seral communities are the several communities or stages (mosses, herbs, shrubs, and trees) that replace one another throughout succession. These species are slow-growing and long-lived. The successional sequence is represented by the communities that succeed one another.
  • The climax Community/Species are the community that is formed during the terminal (last) stage of succession and is referred to as the climax community. They last a long time, are stable, mature, and more sophisticated. 

Types of Succession : 

Autogenic & Allogenic  

  • Autogenic = It means succession by living inhabitants. 
  • Allogenic = It means succession bought by outside forces. 

Autotrophic & Heterotrophic  

  • Autotrophic = In this succession, green plants are greater in quantity. 
  • Heterotrophic = In this succession, heterotrophs are greater in quantity.


The Functions of Ecosystem

Communities of living things and their physical surroundings interact as an ecological unit within an ecosystem, which is a structural and functional unit of the biosphere. As a result, an ecosystem also contains non-living elements.
The three areas of study for ecosystem function are:

1.  Energy flow: Food Chain, Trophic Level, Ecological Pyramid. 
2.  Nutrient Cycle: (Bio-Geo chemical Cycle). 
3.  Ecological Succession 

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