For a Student (Array)

These two details will also be added with the old detail to showcase the use of structure with multiple parameters.


Roll Number: S20200010169
Subjects: [ DSA OOPS DBMS CCN ]
Marks: [ 99 0 99 90 ]
CGPA 9.47

Below is the implementation of the above topic


// C++ program to demonstrate a
// structure for multiple student details
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure Of students
struct student {
    string name;
    string rollno;
    // Subjects Enrolled(Array)
    vector<string> subjects;
    // Marks in each subject(Array)
    vector<int> marks;
    // Student's CGPA
    float cgpa;
// Function to print a vector
// (for more "Different ways to
// print elements of vector" at GFG)
template <typename S> void printv(const vector<S>& v)
    cout << "[ ";
    // Iterating over all elements of vector
    for (auto elem : v) {
        cout << elem << " ";
    cout << "]";
    cout << endl;
// Function to print a Student
void printStudent(student* s)
    cout << "Student Details:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << s->name << endl;
    cout << "Roll Number: " << s->rollno << endl;
    cout << "Subjects: ";
    cout << "Marks: ";
    cout << "CGPA " << s->cgpa << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Array of Students
    student arrayofstudents[10];
    // Student 1
    arrayofstudents[0].name = "w3wiki";
    arrayofstudents[0].rollno = "S20200010234";
        = { "DSA", "OOPS", "DBMS", "CCN" };
    arrayofstudnets[0].marks = { 89, 78, 86, 90 };
    arrayofstudnets[0].cgpa = 8.918;
    // Student 2
    arrayofstudnets[1].name = "GFG";
    arrayofstudnets[1].rollno = "S20200010164";
        = { "DSA", "OOPS", "DBMS", "CCN" };
    arrayofstudnets[1].marks = { 89, 80, 89, 80 };
    arrayofstudnets[1].cgpa = 8.45;
    // Student 3
    arrayofstudnets[2].name = "gfg";
    arrayofstudnets[2].rollno = "S20200010169";
        = { "DSA", "OOPS", "DBMS", "CCN" };
    arrayofstudnets[2].marks = { 99, 00, 99, 90 };
    arrayofstudnets[2].cgpa = 9.47;
    // Loop to print all students
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        // Function call
    return 0;


Student Details:

Name: w3wiki
Roll Number: S20200010234
Subjects: [ DSA OOPS DBMS CCN ]
Marks: [ 89 78 86 90 ]
CGPA 8.918
Student Details:

Name: GFG
Roll Number: S20200010164
Subjects: [ DSA OOPS DBMS CCN ]
Marks: [ 89 80 89 80 ]
CGPA 8.45
Student Details:

Name: gfg
Roll Number: S20200010169
Subjects: [ DSA OOPS DBMS CCN ]
Marks: [ 99 0 99 90 ]
CGPA 9.47

C++ Program to Store Information of a Student in a Structure

Arrays are used to store sets of data of similar data types at contiguous memory locations. Unlike Arrays, Structures are user-defined data types that are used to store groups of items of non-similar data types. Here, we are going to compile a C++ program that will store the information of the students in a Structure.

Information in Structure

  • Student Name (String).
  • Student Roll Number (String).
  • Subjects Enrolled (Array of Strings).
  • Marks in each subject (Array of Int).
  • CGPA(Float)

Example of the Structure

Yash Gupta

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1. For a Student

Below is the implementation of the topic:...

2. For a Student (Array)
