Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump – Alberta

The buffalo jump was a traditional way of hunting buffalo by the Plains Native Americans for almost six thousand years. Hunters understood the land and buffalo habits, so they guided buffalo herds towards paths that led to a cliff, causing the buffalo to fall and die. This site is a notable example of this hunting method. Afterward, the buffalo carcasses were cut up and prepared at a camp below. A small change to the site’s borders happened in 2021.

  • Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is a special place recognized by UNESCO, found in Alberta, Canada.
  • It is among the oldest, biggest, and well-kept buffalo jump sites in North America.
  • This historic site gives us important information about how Indigenous people hunted buffalo and lived.
  • People can visit centers, trails, and displays that explain the history and importance of buffalo jumps.
  • The site lets you learn about Indigenous culture, nature, and how people and bison lived together.

List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada

There are a total of 22 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada. Amongst these 22 sites, L’Anse aux Meadows and Nahanni National Park Reserve are the first designated World Heritage Sites in Canada. These two sites were added to the World Heritage Sites list in 1978 at the Second Session of the Committee which was held in Washington, D.C..Canada is the second largest country in the world and has many UNESCO World Heritage Sites specifically historical sites, parks, and other sites.

We have discussed the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada in detail below. Let’s explore.

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List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada – FAQs

How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites are there in Canada?...