Herculaneum (Italy)

Herculaneum was an ancient Roman city located near present-day Naples in Italy, situated at the base of Mount Vesuvius.

  • Like its more famous neighbor Pompeii, Herculaneum was buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash and debris during the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
  • Unlike Pompeii, which was engulfed in volcanic ash, Herculaneum was buried by a pyroclastic flow, resulting in better preservation of organic materials such as wood, furniture, and even food.
  • Herculaneum was famous for its luxurious residential districts, which had beautiful houses covered with expensive decorations, marble flooring, and elaborate artworks, indicating a prosperous and cultured culture.
  • Herculaneum is now a famous tourist site, with tourists able to explore its beautifully preserved ruins, which include the Villa of the Papyri, the House of the Relief of Telephus, and the Suburban Baths.

List of Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities

The top 10 ancient lost cities are Machu Picchu, Petra, Troy, Atlantis, Pompeii, Angkor, Herculaneum, Great Zimbabwe, Mohenjo-Daro, and Hampi. These Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities once active centers of trade and culture, have been forgotten and abandoned. While some of these cities have been found again recently, some have not been found in a long time.

There have been several rises and falls in civilization throughout history. Beautiful ruins from a few of these civilizations can be seen today, providing information about their past. There are only myths and stories remaining from other civilizations that have disappeared completely.

In this article, we will look into the list of the top 10 ancient lost cities, their location, civilization, period, and rediscovery if it happened.

Table of Content

  • About the Ancient Lost Cities
  • List of Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities
  • 1. Machu Picchu (Andes Mountains, Peru)
  • 2. Petra (Jordan)
  • 3. Troy (Turkey)
  • 4. Atlantis
  • 5. Pompeii (Italy)
  • 6. Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
  • 7. Herculaneum (Italy)
  • 8. Great Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe, Africa)
  • 9. Mohenjo-Daro (Indus Valley, Pakistan)
  • 10. Hampi (Vijayangara, India)

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About the Ancient Lost Cities

The Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities are amazing ruins of former civilizations, each with a special history and importance. These cities provide an understanding of the various cultural fabric of humanity, from the glory of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes to the mysterious ruins of Petra formed into the sandstone cliffs of Jordan. These cities, like Pompeii, which was destroyed by Mount Vesuvius, and Troy, which was immortalized in Homer’s epics, were lost to time and were found via archeology and research. They still attract and inspire scholars, travelers, and storytellers. They act as doors into the lives, customs, and achievements of ancient civilizations....

List of Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities

The following table lists the top 10 ancient lost cities:...

1. Machu Picchu (Andes Mountains, Peru)

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, situated at an altitude of approximately 2,430 meters (7,970 feet) above sea level....

2. Petra (Jordan)

Petra is an ancient city located in present-day Jordan, known for its spectacular rock-cut architecture and beautiful archaeological remains....

3. Troy (Turkey)

Troy, also known as Troia or Ilion, was an ancient city located in present-day Turkey, near the Dardanelles strait in the northwest of Anatolia....

4. Atlantis

Atlantis is a legendary island civilization first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias.”...

5. Pompeii (Italy)

Pompeii was an ancient Roman city located near modern-day Naples in Italy, at the base of Mount Vesuvius....

6. Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Angkor Wat refers to the ancient city of Angkor, located in present-day Cambodia, near the town of Siem Reap....

7. Herculaneum (Italy)

Herculaneum was an ancient Roman city located near present-day Naples in Italy, situated at the base of Mount Vesuvius....

8. Great Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe, Africa)

Great Zimbabwe is an ancient city located in present-day Zimbabwe, in southeastern Africa....

9. Mohenjo-Daro (Indus Valley, Pakistan)

Mohenjo-Daro is an ancient city located in present-day Pakistan, along the banks of the Indus River in the Sindh province....

10. Hampi (Vijayangara, India)

Hampi is an ancient city located in the state of Karnataka, India. It is situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra River in the eastern part of the state....

FAQs on the Top 10 Ancient Lost Cities

What is Machu Picchu?...