High-Level Design(HLD) of Dropbox System Design

3.1. User Uploading:

Users interact with the client application or web interface to initiate file uploads. The client application communicates with the Upload Service on the server side. Large files may be broken into smaller chunks for efficient transfer.

3.2. Upload Service:

Receives file upload requests from clients. Generates Presigned URLs for S3 to allow clients to upload directly. Coordinates the upload process, ensuring data integrity and completeness. After successful upload, it updates the Metadata Database with file details. Coordinates the upload process, breaking down large files into manageable chunks if necessary.

3.3. Getting Presigned URL:

The client application requests a Presigned URL from the Upload Service. The server generates the Presigned URL by interacting with the S3 service, creating a unique token for the specific upload operation. These URLs grant temporary, secure access to upload a specific file to a designated S3 bucket. Allows clients to bypass the server for direct communication with the storage layer.

3.4. S3 Bucket:

S3 serves as the scalable and durable storage backend. Presigned URLs allow clients to upload directly to S3, minimizing server involvement in the actual file transfer. The bucket structure may organize files based on user accounts and metadata.

3.5. Metadata Database:

Stores metadata associated with each file, including details like name, size, owner, access permissions, and timestamps. Enables quick retrieval of file details without accessing S3. Ensures that file metadata is consistent with the actual content in S3.

3.6. Uploading to S3 using Presigned URL and Metadata:

The client uses the Presigned URL to upload the file directly to the designated S3 bucket. Metadata associated with the file, such as file name and owner, is included in the upload process. This ensures that the file’s metadata is synchronized with its corresponding data in S3.

3.7. Role of Task Runner:

After the file is successfully uploaded to S3, a task runner process is triggered. The task runner communicates with the Metadata Database to update or perform additional tasks related to the uploaded file. This may include updating file status, triggering indexing for search functionality, or sending notifications.

3.8. Downloading Services:

Clients initiate file download requests through the client application. The Download Service queries the Metadata Database for file details. The server’s Download Service retrieves metadata from the Metadata Database. Metadata includes information such as file name, size, owner, and access permissions.

Design Dropbox – A System Design Interview Question

System Design Dropbox, You might have used this file hosting service multiple times to upload and share files or images. System Design Dropbox is a quite common question in the system design round. In this article, we will discuss how to design a website like Dropbox.

Important Topics for the Dropbox System Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Dropbox System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Dropbox System Design
  • High-Level Design(HLD) of Dropbox System Design
  • Low-Level Design(LLD) of Dropbox System Design
  • Database Design for Dropbox System Design
  • API Design for Dropbox System Design
  • Scalabilty for Dropbox System Design

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8. Conclusion
