How to Create and Delete Databases in MySQL in Kali Linux:

Create a Database:

To create a database named “mydatabase” in MySQL, you can use the following SQL command:


After executing this command, the MySQL server will create a new database named “mydatabase.” If the operation is successful, you won’t see any output. You can then proceed to use this database for storing tables and data.

Delete a Database:

To delete or drop the “mydatabase” database in MySQL, you can use the following SQL command:

DROP DATABASE mydatabase;

This command permanently removes the specified database and all its associated tables and data. Use this command with caution, as it cannot be undone.

MySQL in Kali Linux Command Line

Below is a comprehensive MySQL Command Line tutorial for Kali Linux, starting from beginner to advanced levels. MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system, and Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution often used for penetration testing and ethical hacking. Make sure you have MySQL installed on your Kali Linux system before starting.

Table of Content

  • 1. How to install MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 2. How to Start and Stop MySQL Server in Kali linux:
  • 3. How to Login to MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 4.How to Create and Delete Databases in MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 5. Basic Commands in MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 6. How to Retrieve Data in MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 7. How to Update and Delete Records in MySQL in Kali Linux:
  • 8. Indexes and Constraints in MySQL in Kali Linux

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4. How to Create and Delete Databases in MySQL in Kali Linux:

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8. Indexes and Constraints in MySQL in Kali Linux

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In this article we discussed This MySQL Command Line tutorial for Kali Linux provides a step-by-step guide from beginner to advanced levels. Starting with the installation of MySQL on Kali Linux, it covers fundamental commands like starting and stopping the MySQL server, logging in, and creating/deleting databases and tables. The tutorial progresses to advanced topics including updating and deleting records, working with indexes and constraints, and executing complex queries. It also touches on essential administrative tasks such as backup and restore procedures, user management, and security considerations. This concise guide equips users with practical knowledge for efficient MySQL command line operations in a Kali Linux environment, particularly beneficial for those focused on security and ethical hacking....