Importance of Physical Fitness

The importance of physical fitness is very important for personality and looks of a person. Physical fitness is not only important on a health basis but this is also important to improve the quality of life of a person.

  • Physical fitness helps in weight management of the body, which is very necessary to manage the extra fat present in the body. 
  • It helps to increase the density and also give strength to the bones of the body.
  • It keeps our body away from diseases, and helps us to recover fast if we have any type of illness.
  • Physical fitness helps us to make our mind and health strong. 
  • Physical fitness gives our energy to perform daily activities with more efficiency.

List of Top 10 Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercises make our lives and moods happier in many ways. One of the simplest ways to improve the quality of life is doing exercises regularly. Less than 5 percent of people are engaged in 30 minutes of daily physical activities. 

In the year 2016, around 30% of the people over the age of 18 around the globe, did not engage in enough of the necessary physical activities which include 32% of the women and 23% of men. No matter what age a person belongs and what abilities a person has, doing regular exercises and physical activities are a very crucial part of life.

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List of Top 10 Health Benefits of Exercise-FAQs

Write top 5 benefits of exercises....