International Publications

A lot of statistical information is published by various international organisations like IMF, World Bank, ILO, UNO, Foreign Governments, etc.

What are the Published Sources of Collecting Secondary Data?

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What is Data?

Data is the collection of measurements and facts and a tool that helps an individual or a group of individuals reach a sound conclusion by providing them with some information. It helps the analyst understand, analyse, and interpret different socio-economic problems like unemployment, poverty, inflation, etc. Besides understanding the issues, it also helps in determining the reasons behind the problem to find possible solutions for them. Collection of Data is the first step of the statistical investigation and can be gathered through two different sources, namely, primary sources and secondary sources. Secondary Data can be collected through published and unpublished sources....

Published Sources of Collecting Secondary Data


1. Government Publications:

Different published sources of collecting secondary data are as follows:...

2. Reports of Committees and Commissions:

The Ministries of the Central and State Governments in India routinely publish a variety of Statistics. As Government publishes the data, it is fairly reliable. Some of the notable publications on Statistics published by the Government are the Reserve Bank of India Bulletin, Report on Currency and Banking, Annual Survey of Industries, Statistical Abstract of India, Agricultural Statistics of India, etc....

3. Semi-Government Publications:

A lot of statistical information is published in the reports of Committees and Commissions appointed by the Government. Some examples of these notable commissions in India are Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Monopolies Commission, etc. These commissions supply detailed statistical information in their reports....

4. Publications of Trade Associations:

Different Semi-Government Publications like Municipalities and Metropolitan Councils publish data related to education, births, health, and deaths. The data published by these publications are fairly reliable and useful for the investigator....

5. Journals and Papers:

Data relating to trading activities are collected and published by different big trade associations. These associations collect and publish data with the help of their statistical and research divisions. For example, the Sugar Mills Association publishes information related to different sugar mills in India....

6. Publications of Research Institutions:

Different newspapers like The Economic Times and magazines, like Fact for You, and Commerce supply different statistical information....

7. International Publications:

Various universities and research institutions perform research activities and publish information based on their findings of research. For example, In India, a variety of statistical data is published by the India Statistical Institute and the National Council of Applied Economic Research....

8. Publications of Research Scholars:

A lot of statistical information is published by various international organisations like IMF, World Bank, ILO, UNO, Foreign Governments, etc....

9. Private Publications:

Different Individual Research Scholars also publish their research work, which includes some useful statistical information....