Least Response Time Method Load Balancing Algorithm

The Least Response method is a dynamic load balancing approach that aims to minimize response times by directing new requests to the server with the quickest response time. 

  • It considers the historical performance of servers to make decisions about where to route incoming requests, optimizing for faster processing.
  • The dynamic aspect comes from the continuous monitoring of server response times and the adaptive nature of the algorithm to route incoming requests to the server with the historically lowest response time.

For example:

Picture yourself at a snack bar where you can order food from different servers. You notice that some servers are faster than others. You choose the server that seems to serve food the quickest each time you go. Least Response Time is like picking the server with the shortest line.

We need to implement a Load Balancing Algorithm that distribute incoming requests across a set of servers and should aim to minimize the response time by directing new requests to the server with the least accumulated response time. This ensures a balanced distribution of the workload and helps optimize the overall system performance.

Below is the implementation of the Least Response Time Load Balancing Algorithms:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class LeastResponseLoadBalancer {
    private Map<String, Long> serverResponseTimes;
    public LeastResponseLoadBalancer() {
        this.serverResponseTimes = new HashMap<>();
    public void addServer(String serverName) {
        // Add a server to the load balancer with 0 initial response time
        serverResponseTimes.put(serverName, 0L);
    public String getServerWithLeastResponseTime() {
        // Find the server with the least accumulated response time
        long minResponseTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        String selectedServer = null;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : serverResponseTimes.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() < minResponseTime) {
                minResponseTime = entry.getValue();
                selectedServer = entry.getKey();
        // Increment the response time for the selected server
        if (selectedServer != null) {
            serverResponseTimes.put(selectedServer, minResponseTime + 1);
        return selectedServer;
public class LeastResponseLoadBalancerExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Least Response load balancer
        LeastResponseLoadBalancer loadBalancer = new LeastResponseLoadBalancer();
        // Add servers to the load balancer
        // Simulate requests and print the server to which each request is routed
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            String selectedServer = loadBalancer.getServerWithLeastResponseTime();
            System.out.println("Request " + (i + 1) + ": Routed to " + selectedServer);


Request 1: Routed to Server1
Request 2: Routed to Server2
Request 3: Routed to Server3
Request 4: Routed to Server1
Request 5: Routed to Server2
Request 6: Routed to Server3
Request 7: Routed to Serve...

Here is the explanation of the above code:

  1. LeastResponseLoadBalancer Class:
    • Fields:
      • serverResponseTimes: A map that tracks the accumulated response time for each server.
    • Methods:
      • addServer: Adds a server to the load balancer with an initial response time of 0.
      • getServerWithLeastResponseTime: Determines the server with the least accumulated response time and increments its response time.
  2. LeastResponseLoadBalancerExample Class:
    • Main Method:
      • Creates an instance of the LeastResponseLoadBalancer.
      • Adds servers to the load balancer.
      • Simulates requests and prints the server to which each request is routed based on the least response time algorithm.

Usecases of Least Response Time Load Balancing Algorithm:

  • Minimize overall system response time by directing new requests to servers with the least accumulated response time.
  • Optimize system performance by distributing workload based on historical response times.
  • Suitable for scenarios where minimizing response time is a critical requirement.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Least Response Time Load Balancing Algorithm:

  • Benefits:
    • Optimized Performance: Directs traffic to servers with the quickest response times, optimizing overall system performance.
    • Adaptable: Adjusts to changes in server responsiveness over time.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Historical Bias: Heavily influenced by past response times, may not always reflect current server capabilities.
    • Complex Implementation: Requires tracking and managing historical response times.

Load Balancing Algorithms

Load balancing algorithms are essential for distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers, ensuring optimal utilization of resources, preventing server overload, and enhancing the performance and reliability of applications. Various load-balancing algorithms exist, each with its characteristics.

Important Topics for the Load Balancing Algorithms

  • Static Load Balancing Algorithms 
    • Round Robin Load Balancing Algorithm
    • Weighted Round Robin Load Balancing Algorithm
    • Source IP Hash Load Balancing Algorithm
  • Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms
    • Least Connection Method Load Balancing Algorithm
    • Least Response Time Method Load Balancing Algorithm

Load balancing algorithms can be broadly categorized into two types: Dynamic load balancing and Static load balancing.

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2.2. Least Response Time Method Load Balancing Algorithm
