LinkedList Interface

It is a specialized double-linked list of elements. This allows const time adding and removing at the either end also the time to increase the size is constant.


LinkedList<E extends LinkedListEntry<E>>


Below is the implementation of Doubly Linked List in Dart:

// Dart Program to Implement
// Doubly Linked List
import 'dart:collection';

// Class that extends LinkedListEntry.
// Each item in the LinkedList will be
// an instance of this class.
base class Box extends LinkedListEntry<Box> {
  final String contents;
  final int number;

void main() {
  final myLinkedList = LinkedList<Box>();

  // Adding elements to the LinkedList
  myLinkedList.add(Box('First Box',1));
  myLinkedList.add(Box('Second Box',2));
  myLinkedList.add(Box('Third Box',3));

  // Iterating over the LinkedList
  for (final box in myLinkedList) {
    print(" ${box.contents} , ${box.number}");

  // Remove an element from the LinkedList
  final boxToRemove = myLinkedList.firstWhere((box) => box.contents == 'Second Box');

  print('After removal:');
  for (final box in myLinkedList) {
    print(" ${box.contents} , ${box.number}");


 First Box , 1
 Second Box , 2
 Third Box , 3

After removal:
 First Box , 1
 Third Box , 3

Classes Associated with LinkedList Interface



LinkedListEntry<E extends LinkedListEntry<E>>

An element of a LinkedList.

Dart – Collections

Collections are groups of objects that represent a particular element. The dart::collection library is used to implement the Collection in Dart. There are a variety of collections available in Dart.

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