Majority Rules, Minority Rights

An often-used phrase in association with democracy is “majority rule and minority rights”. The elected government is an outcome of majority votes cast by the people. The rights of minority groups are ethnic, religious, or any other kind does not depend upon the majority rule. It is the responsibility of the elected government to ensure that minorities are protected through individual rights and democratic laws and are not discriminated against.  

It is essential for democracy that all those who hold public offices are accountable to the public. Such accountability entails the right to information, transparency in the working of political institutions; right to oppose any undemocratic move performed by the government, etc. It is important to create a conducive environment for genuine active participation of civilians in democratic processes.  

Democracy is a Government of People, For the People and By the People

‘Democracy’ is a type of government that is elected by the country’s people. This term has been derived from two Greek words – ‘Demos’ meaning people and ‘Kratos’ meaning rule. Literally translated as ‘rule of people’, such a form of government includes a set of specific government institutions headed by freely elected representatives. Practically, it goes beyond its theoretical definition. At an advanced level, it offers its citizens various rights, freedoms, and other ideals. Democracy rests upon the fundamental principle of majority rule. The term majority rule refers to the most preferred party or leader by adult citizens. A successful democracy largely depends upon the participation of its citizens in expressing their views and criticism of the actions of the elected government. Some of the key elements of democracy are the active participation of citizens, the rule of law, freedom of speech and expression, and a well-structured electoral system.  

There are certain features of a democracy that enable its citizens to live a life of dignity. Democracy depends upon the roles and responsibilities of its citizens. Citizens are both active and passive participants in a democracy.  

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To put it in a nutshell, a democratic government is elected by the people. The powers are also exercised by the people, that is, the rulers of a democratically elected party. Lastly, the aim of such an administrative system is the advocacy of people’s interests. People living in a democracy are the guardians of their own rights, thus, democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is both a goal that is yet to be pursued by many countries and a form of government serving people. It would not be wrong to consider it as a dynamic concept as it changes depending upon a variety of socio-economic, political, and cultural factors....