Make Timeout Settings Longer

To make timeouts longer, change the time before a connection or query stops. If we raise the numbers in the postgresql.conf file, it lets queries have more time to finish without stopping. In PostgreSQL, there are two main parts to think about:

  1. statement_timeout: Sets the most time for a single SQL statement to run.
  2. idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: It decides the longest time an open transaction which can sit inactive before stopping.

How to fix Lost Connection to PostgreSQL during Query?

The “Lost connection to PostgreSQL during query” error can be a challenging barrier when executing essential database operations. This error occurs when the link between the client software and the PostgreSQL server is prematurely aborted during query execution.

Several factors can contribute to this interruption, including network instability, server resource limitations, timeout settings, firewall or security settings, and large or complex queries.

In this article, We will learn about what is the reason for lost connections and How to fix Lost connections to PostgreSQL during a query by understanding the various methods and so on.

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Overall, understanding the causes of the “Lost connection to PostgreSQL during query” error is important for resolving it effectively. By addressing issues such as network instability, server resource limitations, and configuration settings, you can resolve this error and ensure smoother PostgreSQL query execution. Implementing the suggested solutions, such as adjusting timeout settings, improving query performance, and checking network strength, can help you resolve this issue and optimize your PostgreSQL database performance....