Multi-line Comment in C

The Multi-line comment in C starts with a forward slash and asterisk ( /* ) and ends with an asterisk and forward slash ( */ ). Any text between /* and */ is treated as a comment and is ignored by the compiler.

It can apply comments to multiple lines in the program.

Syntax of Multi-Line C Comment

/*Comment starts
Comment ends*/

Example 2:  C Program to illustrate the multi-line comment


/* C program to illustrate
use of
multi-line comment */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    This is a
    multi-line comment
    This comment contains some code which
    will not be executed.
    printf("Code enclosed in Comment");
    printf("Welcome to w3wiki");
    return 0;


Welcome to w3wiki


C Comments

The comments in C are human-readable explanations or notes in the source code of a C program.  A comment makes the program easier to read and understand. These are the statements that are not executed by the compiler or an interpreter.

It is considered to be a good practice to document our code using comments.

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Types of comments in C

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1. Single-line Comment in C

A single-line comment in C starts with ( // ) double forward slash. It extends till the end of the line and we don’t need to specify its end....

2. Multi-line Comment in C
