Multiple Bar Diagram

The Multiple Bar Diagram is used to compare two or more variables such as revenue and expenditure, import and export for different years, marks obtained in different subjects in different grades, and so on. It is often referred to as a Compound Bar Diagram. The method for creating multiple bar diagrams is the same as for creating a Simple Bar Diagram. However, to distinguish the bars from each other, different bars are differentiated by different shades or colours.


Represent the following information showing the number of students that use mobile phones from Realme, Redmi, and OnePlus in College A, College B, and College X,  using a multiple-bar diagram.


Types of Diagrams

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What is a Diagram?

Statistics performs an important function by presenting a complex mass of data in a simple way that makes it easier to understand. Classification and tabulation are two techniques for presenting data in an understandable form. However, as the volume of data increases, it becomes increasingly inconvenient to understand, even after classification and tabulation. Thus, data is presented in the form of diagrams and graphs to enable the comparison of various situations and to understand the various patterns in the data at a glance. A diagram is a visual presentation of statistical data to highlight the basic facts and relationships inherent in the data. As a diagram attracts the attention of the viewer and helps to easily grasp the information, it is appreciated by everyone....

Types of Diagrams

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A. One-Dimensional Diagrams or Bar Diagrams

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1. Simple Bar Diagram

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2. Multiple Bar Diagram

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3. Sub-Divided Bar Diagram

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4. Percentage Bar Diagram

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5. Broken-Scale Bar Diagram

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6. Deviation Bar Diagram

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B. Pie Diagram

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