Non-Functional Requirements

3.4.1 Usability Requirements

  • Our user interface should be interactive simple and easy to understand . The system should prompt for the user and administrator to login to the application for proper input criteria.
  • Weather Application shall handle expected and non expected errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

3.4.2 Security Requirements

  • System should be using secure web forecasting API.
  • Normal users can just read information about the weather but they cannot edit or modify anything except their personal and some other information if required.
  • System will have different types of users and every user has access constraints.
  • Proper user authentication should be provided.
  • Personal details like location should not be stored for security purpose.

3.4.3 Availability Requirements

Availability requirements for a weather application using APIs are crucial to ensure that the service is consistently accessible and operational.

Here are key availability requirements:

  • Uptime Percentage: Maintain a high level of service availability, such as 99.9% uptime. Users rely on the weather application for real-time information, so a high uptime percentage ensures that the service is consistently accessible.
  • Load Balancing: Use load balancing to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers or instances. Load balancing helps distribute the load evenly, preventing individual servers from becoming overwhelmed and improving overall system performance and availability.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: Implement continuous monitoring of key metrics and set up alerting systems to notify administrators of any issues or anomalies. Proactive monitoring allows for the rapid identification and resolution of potential problems, minimizing downtime.
  • Scalability: Design the system to be scalable, allowing for the seamless addition of resources during periods of increased demand. Scalability ensures that the application can handle varying levels of traffic and user activity without degradation in performance.
  • Backup and Recovery: Regularly back up critical data and implement robust recovery procedures. In the event of data loss or system failures, a well-defined backup and recovery strategy ensures that the application can be restored quickly and efficiently.

3.4.4 Performance Requirements:

  • The system shall accommodate high number of users simultaneously and users can check the weather of any location any number of times.
  • Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen.

4.5.4 Error Requirements:

Weather app shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

An alert should be shown if the API is not working properly which will improve the uptime of the service.

Weather Forecast Project

Weather Forecasting Application is one of the most common mini project in Software Development . In this article, we are going to make a Weather Forecasting Application from scratch which will tell us the weather of any location using its name . We will be covering all the steps you have to do while developing this mini project. The title of our project will be Todays Weather App.

Weather Forecasting Project

Before Diving into the Implementation of the Project Let us look into the End Result of our project. Its Features and Functionalities:

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Project Demo:

How to create a Todays Weather App?

Table of Content Weather Forecast Project Demo How to create a Todays Weather App? Step 1: Team Formation Phase Step 2: Creating Project Synopsys Step 3: Requirement Gathering – Software Requirement Specification Document | Weather Forecast Project 3.1 Introduction | Weather Forecasting Project ( SRS ) 3.2 Overall Description | Todays Weather App 3.3 Functional Requirements | Todays Weather App 3.4 Non-Functional Requirements 3.5 Design Step 4: Coding or Implementation of Weather Forecasting Project 4.1 Environment Creation 4.2 Implementation of Weather Forecast Application | Frontend Development Step 5: Testing of Weather Forecasting Application Step 6- Creating Project Presentation on Weather forecasting Application Future Enhancements for Weather forecasting Application...

Step 1: Team Formation Phase:

Team formation is a crucial step in any project it significantly impact on your project . In our project as we will be exploring about the web application for weather app so will will be going to require following skill sets....

Step 2: Creating Project Synopsys:

A project synopsis serves as a concise overview or summary of a proposed project, offering a brief but comprehensive insight into its objectives, scope, methodology, and expected outcomes....

Step 3: Requirement Gathering –

This is the next phase after the submission of the synopsis report. We can do this process before the Synopsys report creation as well , It is all depends upon the project and their requirements. Here after getting an overview about the project now we can easily do the requirement gathering for our project....

Software Requirement Specification Document | Weather Forecasting Project

Below are some of the key points in a Software Requirement Specification Document:...

3.1 Introduction | Weather Forecasting Project ( SRS ):

3.1.1 Purpose:...

3.2 Overall Description | Todays Weather App:

3.2.1 Product Perspective:...

3.3 Functional Requirements | Todays Weather App:

3.3.1 Software Requirements:...

3.4 Non-Functional Requirements:

3.4.1 Usability Requirements...

3.5 Design:

The design phase in weather forecasting app development is a crucial stage where the conceptual ideas and requirements are transformed into a detailed and visually appealing blueprint. This phase involves creating the Data flow Diagrams, ER model design, and the overall architecture of the weather application...

Step 4: Coding or Implementation of Weather Forecasting Project:

At this stage, the fundamental development of the product starts. For this, developers use a specific programming code as per the design. Hence, it is important for the coders to follow the protocols set by the association. Conventional programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers, etc. are also put into use at this stage....

4.1 Environment Creation:

In this stage we are going to create the environment to build our project, We will install all required software and extensions for ease in the coding part....

4.2 Implementation of Weather Forecast Application | Frontend Development:

In this stage we are going to develop our frontend part of the project ....

Step 5: Testing of Weather Forecasting Application:


Step 6- Creating Project Presentation on Weather forecasting Application:


Future Enhancements for Weather forecasting Application:
