Not Using a Professional Email Address

As fresher, we do not give importance to the email address we are using and end up using an unprofessional email address. This creates a bad first impression, therefore, it is vital that you use a proper email address that sounds a bit professional. So before starting your professional career always make sure that the email id that you are going to use should be good and your name must be clear so that there is no confusion. Also, when you contact anyone with the proper email address or send it to someone, you will create a professional impression and creates positive chances of getting the job. 

Top 10 Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Software Engineer Fresher

You are applying for a lot of jobs, but all your efforts seem worthless. You wonder why other software engineers with the same educational background are being noticed, but you aren’t. As a result, you are gradually losing confidence and hope. The problem is common resume mistakes that are causing a tragic impact on recruiters. Employers spend as little as six seconds looking at your resume; in this short glance, they will look for the skill set required for a particular role. 

A faulty and pointless resume can cause a rejection; on the other hand, a crisp and impactful resume can enhance your chances of selection.


A resume is the first point of contact you make with a recruiter, and you need to ensure that it must be just perfect for manifesting how fantastic you are! 

We will discuss the 10 common resume mistakes you should avoid as a Software Engineers Fresher:

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Your resume acts as a link between you and your glorious future. A crisp, clean and concise resume enhances your possibility of getting shortlisted. By avoiding these ten common resume mistakes, you can convince recruiters to give serious attention to your resume and escalate your chances of landing your dream job....