Optical, Technical & Medical Apparatus

Optical, technical, and medical apparatus is the fifth largest export product of Germany, accounting for 4.8% of its total exports.

  • In 2023, Germany exported $78.7 billion worth of goods globally, with optical, technical, and medical apparatus accounting for 5.4% of that.
  • Germany’s medical device market is one of the most lucrative healthcare markets in the world, accounting for roughly $42 billion annually. Key sub-sectors of German medical technology include: Medical technologies, Health IT, Diagnostic products, Biopharmaceuticals, Dental products.
  • Germany has a long history of producing high quality medical equipment, with an emphasis on diagnostic imaging, precision medical, and dental.
  • German optical, technical, and medical apparatus are exported to markets across the globe, including Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. Major export destinations include the United States, China, Japan, and European Union countries.

Top 10 Products Exported From Germany

Germany is one of the world’s largest exporters, along with the United States and China. In 2019, Germany exported $1.81 trillion worth of goods and services, and exports account for about half of the country’s value added. In 2022, Germany exported goods worth 1,576 billion euros.

In this article, we will look into the list of top 10 export products of Germany along with their export values.

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10. Organic Chemicals

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9. Other Chemical Goods

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8. Articles of Iron and Steel

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7. Mineral Fuels

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6. Plastics and Plastic Articles

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5. Optical, Technical & Medical Apparatus

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4. Pharmaceuticals

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3. Electrical Machinery & Equipment

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2. Machinery including Computers

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1. Vehicles

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FAQs on Top 10 Products Exported From Germany

What are the top export products of Germany?...