Percentage Bar Graph/Diagram

A Percentage Bar Diagram is a sub-divided bar diagram that indicates the total percentage of each component rather than the magnitude. The absolute magnitudes of several components are presented using a subdivided diagram. These magnitudes can be converted into relative values by describing them as a percentage of the total.

Each data component is expressed as a percentage of the corresponding total. Thus, in a percentage bar diagram, all of the bars are of height 100, while the different segments of the bar representing the various components vary in size depending on their % value of the total. Just like in the sub-divided bar diagram, in the percentage bar diagram, different components can be differentiated by different shades or colours.

Example of Percentage Bar Graph

The table below displays the number of newspapers sold out by the company, out of the total printed newspaper from 2016 to 2021.


Bar Graph | Meaning, Types, and Examples

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What is a Bar Graph/Bar Diagram?

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Types of Bar Graph or Bar Diagram


1. Simple Bar Graph/Diagram

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2. Multiple Bar Graph/Diagram

A diagram in which each class or category of data is represented by a group of rectangular bars of equal width is known as a Simple Bar Diagram. It is the simplest type of bar diagram. In this diagram, each bar represents one figure only. The number of bars will be equal to the number of figures. These diagrams show only one characteristic of the data, such as sales, production, or population figures for various years....

3. Sub-Divided Bar Graph/Diagram

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4. Percentage Bar Graph/Diagram

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5. Broken-Scale Bar Graph/Diagram

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6. Deviation Bar Graph/Diagram

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Features of Bar Graph/Diagram

These diagrams are used to represent net changes in data such as net profit, net loss, net exports, net imports, etc....

Advantages of Bar Graph/Diagram

In this diagram, the magnitude of the characteristics is shown by the length or height of the bar. The width of a bar is arbitrarily set to make the constructed diagram more elegant and attractive. The length and height of the bars vary depending on the variable value. However, the width of the bar remains constant. The width of a bar is also determined by the number of bars that must be accommodated in the diagrams. The bars must be equidistant from one another. Bars can be drawn horizontally or vertically. They are, however, usually in vertical form. The side or vertical axis of a bar graph is called the y-axis and the bottom or horizontal axis of a bar graph is known as the x-axis. The y-axis represents data value, while the x-axis represents data type....

Disadvantages of a Bar Graph/Diagram

Due to their accessibility and suitability for visual data representation, bar diagrams are used across several industries. Following are some of the advantages of bar diagrams:...