Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn Antelope

  • Common Name: Pronghorn Antelope
  • Scientific Name: Antilocapra americana
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Antilocapridae
  • Habitat: Open grasslands, prairies, and deserts
  • Speed: Up to 60 mph (98 km/h)
  • Diet: Grasses, herbs, and shrubs
  • Distinctive Features: Forked horns (males only), white patches on the face, throat, rump, and sides, reddish-brown fur with black-tipped tail
  • Conservation Status: Least Concern (Population Stable)

A pronghorn looks very similar to a deer and as the name suggests, it has two large horns. The Pronghorn antelope is a native North-American species, and also the second fastest land animal on this planet. An adult Pronghorn can be 1.3-1.5 meters long, weigh around 40-65 kg, and can reach a top speed of 60 miles per hour in seconds. The large windpipe and big lungs of Pronghorn, help it control its breathing even at such high speeds. 

Top 10 Fastest Animals in The World (Land, Air, & Water)

Fastest Animals on Earth: Humans are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet, and over time, they have evolved significantly and become more efficient. However, despite the fact that humans are more productive, they are not as quick as animals. There are thousands of creatures on this planet that are faster than humans. A human can run a maximum of 27.5 miles per hour; however, some animals can run twice as fast as humans.

Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World

Here is the list of the top 10 fastest animals in the world: land, air, and water:

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Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World (Land, Air, & Water)

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There are many faster runners on this planet and all of them have a unique body design that helps them attain such speeds and control breathing. But the sad part is that most of these mammals are either vulnerable or extinct. The best body-to-weight ratio in animals helps them run at a fast pace. Also, many animals have evolved a lot and become even faster. We hope this article has sparked your curiosity and interest in learning more about these amazing animals and their abilities....

Fastest Animals on Earth – FAQs

Q1. Which is the fastest land animal on the earth?...