Providing Default Values

The dict.get(key, default) method allows you to specify a default value that will be returned if the key is not found. This makes the code more robust and easier to read.

# Using dict.get(key, default)
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
value = my_dict.get('c', 0)  # Returns 0, as 'c' is not in the dictionary


Choosing dict.get() Over dict[] in Python

In Python, dictionaries are a fundamental data structure used to store key-value pairs. Accessing values in a dictionary using a key can be done in two primary ways: using the square bracket notation (dict[key]) or the get method (dict.get(key)). While both methods retrieve the value associated with the specified key, there are key differences between them that often make dict.get(key) the preferred choice in many scenarios. Let’s explore why dict.get(key) is often favored over dict[key].

Although both methods retrieve the value associated with a specified key, dict.get(key) is often the preferred choice. Here’s why:

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