
AI is being used to analyze X- ray, CT and MRI scans, to diagnose medical conditions in patients. The computer vision techniques allow programs to detect abnormalities in radiology images, and have reached up to 100% accuracy on test datasets, for several diseases. Not only does AI provide an accurate diagnosis, but also is very time efficient as compared to conservative diagnostic techniques. In the recent COVID-19 outbreak, AI has proved to be a great asset in zero-contact diagnosis, especially for contagious diseases. The success of AI in the field of medical diagnosis, gives hope for a future with minimized errors and speedy diagnosis, which will take healthcare years ahead of its time.

Implementation of AI in Radiology

Consider working in TV, where they receive thousands of videos, pictures, and articles every day. In comes AI to try and learn from these massive datasets of scans – each one accurately marked with a documented diagnosis. These images get labelled and constitute the datasets used, where the AI algorithms are trained to identify the correlations that define certain diseases.

Impact of AI in Radiology

It is now no longer the exclusive preserve of the radiologist. AI operates as a helpful and effective second opinion when it comes to detecting the problematic regions or lesions that otherwise might be overlooked. This means that patients are diagnosed before their condition deteriorates, and more importantly, diagnosis is done when the chances of curing the disease are higher, for instance, when diagnosing cancers. Timely intervention is the key here and AI equips the doctors to act in early stages that may well translate into better prognosis for patients.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

As Andrew Ng rightly quoted “AI is the new electricity” and the latest domain that AI is exploring is healthcare. With the power to perform thousands of complex operations in a second, AI can process vast repositories of medical data into useful insights. AI is rapidly being incorporated into different areas of medical research, and there have already been some breakthroughs that threaten to transform the future of medicine. Here are some healthcare applications where AI is being applied currently: 

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

  • 1. Radiology
    • Implementation of AI in Radiology
    • Impact of AI in Radiology
  • 2. Medical Data Analysis
    • Implementation of AI in Medical Data Analysis
    • Impact of AI in Medical Data Analysis
  • 3. Drug Discovery
    • Implementation of AI in Drug Discovery
    • Impact of AI in Drug Discovery
  • 4. Robot-Assisted Surgery
    • Implementation of AI in Robot-Assisted Surgery
    • Impact of AI in Robot-Assisted Surgery
  • 5. Patient Experience
    • Implementation of AI in Patient Experience
    • Impact of AI in Patient Experience

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1. Radiology

AI is being used to analyze X- ray, CT and MRI scans, to diagnose medical conditions in patients. The computer vision techniques allow programs to detect abnormalities in radiology images, and have reached up to 100% accuracy on test datasets, for several diseases. Not only does AI provide an accurate diagnosis, but also is very time efficient as compared to conservative diagnostic techniques. In the recent COVID-19 outbreak, AI has proved to be a great asset in zero-contact diagnosis, especially for contagious diseases. The success of AI in the field of medical diagnosis, gives hope for a future with minimized errors and speedy diagnosis, which will take healthcare years ahead of its time....

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AI is revolutionizing the field of healthcare combining large scale data analytics and intelligent deep learning frameworks. But with great computational power, comes great responsibility. An important guideline while integrating AI with healthcare is to not lose sight of the real science- medicine, behind the layers of our neural networks. While creating complex models, and processing the data, engineers should collaborate with medical practitioners, to ensure that they are going along the right path....