Requirements Gathering for Spotify Premium System Design

1.1. Functional Requirements for Spotify Premium System Design

  • Users can search for content by title, Genre, description, etc.
  • Every audio has its thumbnail.
  • Spotify Premium shows content that matches the user’s previous preferences.
  • Users can download up to 10,000 songs on a maximum of 5 devices under the same account.
  • Interested users can upload their audio files.
  • Users can listen to uploaded audio files.
  • Shareable song links, and Spotify URLs across various social media platforms.
  • Users can review their past listening activity.
  • Users with premium access to features such as ad-free listening, unlimited skips, high-quality audio streaming, and offline downloads for both users on the two-device subscription plan.

1.2. Non-Functional Requirements for Spotify Premium System Design

  • High Availability
  • High Reliability
  • Good Performance
  • Highly Scalable
  • Low Latency

Design Spotify Premium | System Design

In today’s digital world, the demand for premium music streaming services like Spotify is at an all-time high. Understanding the System Design behind Spotify Premium is crucial for software engineers seeking to build robust, scalable, and reliable music streaming platforms. This article explores the architecture of Spotify Premium, offering insights into creating a cutting-edge system capable of delivering high-quality audio content seamlessly while ensuring scalability, durability, and optimal user experience.

Important Topics for Spotify Premium System Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Spotify Premium System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Spotify Premium System Design
  • Use case diagram for Spotify Premium System Design
  • High-Level Design for Spotify Premium System Design
  • Low-Level Design for Spotify Premium System Design
  • Database Design for Spotify Premium System Design
  • Microservices used for System Design for Spotify Premium
  • API used in Spotify Premium System Design
  • Scalability for Spotify Premium System Design

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1. Requirements Gathering for Spotify Premium System Design

1.1. Functional Requirements for Spotify Premium System Design...

2. Capacity Estimation for Spotify Premium System Design

Song Storage: Utilizing formats like Ogg Vorbis or AAC, with an average song size of 3MB, the storage requirement for songs totals approximately 90TB for 30 million songs.Song Metadata: Storing metadata for songs and users is essential. With an average metadata size of 100 bytes per song, the metadata storage demand is around 3GB for 30 million songs.User Metadata: Each user’s profile requires storage, averaging around 1KB per user. With 500,000 users, the storage needed for user metadata amounts to 0.5GB.Data Redundancy: To ensure high availability and fault tolerance, it’s crucial to replicate data. Replicating data three times, following industry standards, increases the total storage requirement to 300TB....

3. Use Case diagram for Spotify Premium System Design

Below Use Case Diagram Describe the use cases of User and Database System:...

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6. Database Design for Spotify Premium System Design

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7. Microservices used for System Design for Spotify Premium


8. API used in Spotify Premium System Design

searchService API – Upon receiving a search request, the search service retrieves relevant information from the metadata database. The response undergoes processing by a rules engine, which applies business rules and configurations before returning the results to the client.viewService API- Similarly, the view service fetches specific content details from the metadata database, applies business rules, and returns the results to the client.uploadService API – It helps content creators put their stuff on the platform. When they upload a song, this service makes sure it’s stored properly and ready for others to enjoy.accountService API – The account service manages user accounts and subscriptions, authenticating users against a dedicated database and verifying subscriptions through payment services.addPlaylistService API- When you want to add a new song to your playlist, this service handles it. It checks if the song fits your playlist rules (like size limits) and updates your playlist accordingly.paymentService API- When you upgrade to a premium plan, this service makes it happen. It ensures your payments are secure and that your account reflects the changes accurately....

9. Scalability for Spotify Premium System Design

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