String With Double Quotes

A string is a group of characters. A standard way of entering a string should generally be declared in a double quote (” “) whereas a character should be declared in (‘ ‘). 

case 1: string name = ‘w3wiki’

In case 1, in Java, if you enter a string in a single quote, it may throw an error which is not the case in JavaScript and Python since they are dynamic in nature. 

case 2: string name = “w3wiki”

In case 2, using this in all languages will not throw an error since it follows the standard syntax form. 

Case 2 is the much-preferred choice, be it any programming language as it reduces the compilation time and there’s no confusion about whether it’s a string or a character.

7 Clean Coding Practices Developers Should Follow

Developers have this tendency to write efficient code but sometimes they lack clean coding practice. A good developer is one who writes code that is understandable by machines but the best developer writes code that is understandable by other developers. The code written should look good, clear, and understandable. 


Take a scenario where a developer has implemented code for an application, and the other developer is asked to update changes to it. The other developer can only understand the code if the code written is clear and the primary developer follows the clean coding practice. Here, are some of the best clean coding practices which developers should follow:

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