Supervised Models

Supervised learning is the study of algorithms that use labeled data in which each data instance has a known category or value to which it belongs. This results in the model to discover the relationship between the input features and the target outcome.

1.1 Classification

The classifier algorithms are designed to indicate whether a new data point belongs to one or another among several predefined classes. Inagine when you are organising emails into spam or inbox, categorising images as cat or dog, or predicting whether a loan applicant is a credible borrowerIn the classification models, there is a learning process by the use of labeled examples from each category. In this process, they discover the correlations and relations within the data that help to distinguish class one from the other classes. After learning these patterns, the model is then capable of assigning these class labels to unseen data points.

Common Classification Algorithms:

  • Logistic Regression: A very efficient technique for the classification problems of binary nature (two types, for example, spam/not spam).
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM): Good for tasks like classification, especially when the data has a large number of features.
  • Decision Tree: Constructs a decision tree having branches and proceeds to the class predictions through features.
  • Random Forest: The model generates an “ensemble” of decision trees that ultimately raise the accuracy and avoid overfitting (meaning that the model performs great on the training data but lousily on unseen data).
  • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): Assigns a label of the nearest neighbors for a given data point.

1.2 Regression

Regression algorithms are about forecasting of a continuous output variable using the input features as their basis. This value could be anything such as predicting real estate prices or stock market trends to anticipating customer churn (how likely customers stay) and sales forecasting. Regression models make the use of features to understand the relationship among the continuous features and the output variable. That is, they use the pattern that is learned to determine the value of the new data points.

Common Regression Algorithms

  • Linear Regression: Fits depth of a line to the data to model for the relationship between features and the continuous output.
  • Polynomial Regression: Similiar to linear regression but uses more complex polynomial functions such as quadratic, cubic, etc, for accommodating non-linear relationships of the data.
  • Decision Tree Regression: Implements a decision tree-based algorithm that predicts a continuous output variable from a number of branching decisions.
  • Random Forest Regression: Creates one from several decision trees to guarantee error-free and robust regression prediction results.
  • Support Vector Regression (SVR): Adjusts the Support Vector Machine ideas for regression tasks, where we are trying to find one hyperplane that most closely reflects continuous output data.

Machine Learning Models

Machine Learning models are very powerful resources that automate multiple tasks and make them more accurate and efficient. ML handles new data and scales the growing demand for technology with valuable insight. It improves the performance over time. This cutting-edge technology has various benefits such as faster processing or response, enhancement of decision-making, and specialized services. In this article, we will discuss Machine Learning Models, their types, How Machine Learning works, Real-world examples of ML Models, and the Future of Machine Learning Models.

Machine Leraning Models

A model of machine learning is a set of programs that can be used to find the pattern and make a decision from an unseen dataset. These days NLP (Natural language Processing) uses the machine learning model to recognize the unstructured text into usable data and insights. You may have heard about image recognition which is used to identify objects such as boy, girl, mirror, car, dog, etc. A model always requires a dataset to perform various tasks during training. In training duration, we use a machine learning algorithm for the optimization process to find certain patterns or outputs from the dataset based upon tasks.

Table of Content

  • Types of Machine Learning Models
  • 1. Supervised Models
    • 1.1 Classification
    • 1.2 Regression
  • 2. Unsupervised Models
    • 2.1 Clustering
    • 2.2 Dimensionality Reduction
    • 2.3 Anomaly Detection
  • 3. Semi-Supervised Model
    • 3.1 Generative Semi-Supervised Learning
    • 3.2 Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning
  • 4. Reinforcement learning Models
    • 4.1 Value-based learning:
    • 4.2 Policy-based learning:
  • Deep Learning
  • How Machine Learning Works?
  • Advanced Machine Learning Models
  • Real-world examples of ML Models
  • Future of Machine Learning Models
  • Conclusion

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How Machine Learning Works?

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Advanced Machine Learning Models

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