
The support of a pattern is the percentage of the total number of records that contain the pattern. Support Pattern evaluation is a process of finding interesting and potentially useful patterns in data. The purpose of support pattern evaluation is to identify interesting patterns that may be useful for decision-making. Support pattern evaluation is typically used in data mining and machine learning applications.

There are a variety of ways to evaluate support patterns. One common approach is to use a support metric, which measures the number of times a pattern occurs in a dataset. Another common approach is to use a lift metric, which measures the ratio of the occurrence of a pattern to the expected occurrence of the pattern.

Support pattern evaluation can be used to find a variety of interesting patterns in data, including association rules, sequential patterns, and co-occurrence patterns. Support pattern evaluation is an important part of data mining and machine learning, and can be used to help make better decisions.

Pattern Evaluation Methods in Data Mining

Pre-requisites: Data Mining

In data mining, pattern evaluation is the process of assessing the quality of discovered patterns. This process is important in order to determine whether the patterns are useful and whether they can be trusted. There are a number of different measures that can be used to evaluate patterns, and the choice of measure will depend on the application.

There are several ways to evaluate pattern mining algorithms:

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