Ternary Expression Conditional Statement

The ternary operator is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement. It takes three operands: a condition, a result for when the condition is true, and a result for when the condition is false.

Syntax of Ternary Expression:

condition ? result_if_true : result_if_false

Use Cases of Ternary Expression:

  • Concise conditional assignment.
  • Inline conditional assignment.

Applications of Ternary Expression:

  • Assigning values based on conditions in functional programming.
  • Inline conditional assignment in single lines of code.

Advantages of Ternary Expression:

  • Concise syntax, reducing the need for multiple lines of code.
  • Suitable for simple conditional assignments.

Disadvantages of Ternary Expression:

  • Can reduce code readability, especially for complex conditions or expressions.
  • Limited to simple assignments; not suitable for complex branching logic.

Implementation of Ternary Expression:

#include <iostream>;
using namespace std;

int main()

    int x = 10;
    string result
        = (x > 0) ? "x is positive" : "x is not positive";
    cout << result;

    return 0;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Define an integer variable x and assign the value
        // 10 to it
        int x = 10;

        // Use a ternary operator to check if x is positive
        // or not If x is greater than 0, assign "x is
        // positive" to the result variable Otherwise,
        // assign "x is not positive" to the result variable
        String result = (x > 0) ? "x is positive"
                                : "x is not positive";

        // Print the result to the console
# Define an integer variable x and assign the value
# 10 to it
x = 10

# Use a ternary operator to check if x is positive
# or not. If x is greater than 0, assign "x is
# positive" to the result variable. Otherwise,
# assign "x is not positive" to the result variable.
result = "x is positive" if x > 0 else "x is not positive"

# Print the result to the console
// Define an integer variable x and assign the value
// 10 to it
let x = 10;

// Use a ternary operator to check if x is positive
// or not. If x is greater than 0, assign "x is
// positive" to the result variable. Otherwise,
// assign "x is not positive" to the result variable.
let result = x > 0 ? "x is positive" : "x is not positive";

// Print the result to the console

x is positive

Conditional Statements in Programming | Definition, Types, Best Practices

Conditional statements in programming are used to control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. These statements allow the execution of different code blocks depending on whether a specified condition evaluates to true or false, providing a fundamental mechanism for decision-making in algorithms. In this article, we will learn about the basics of Conditional Statements along with their different types.

Table of Content

  • What are Conditional Statements in Programming?
  • 5 Types of Conditional Statements
  • 1. If Conditional Statement:
  • 2. If-Else Conditional Statement:
  • 3. if-Else if Conditional Statement:
  • 4. Switch Conditional Statement:
  • 5. Ternary Expression Conditional Statement:
  • Difference between Types of Conditional Statements in Programming:
  • Difference between If Else and Switch Case
  • Best Practices for Conditional Statement
  • Frequently Asked Questions FAQs in Conditional Statements

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Best Practices for Conditional Statements in Programming:

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