Tips to Efficiently Use GitHub

Use Branches

Branches allow you to develop features and fixes in isolation. Always create a new branch for significant changes to avoid disrupting the main codebase.

Pull Requests

Pull requests enable code reviews and discussions before merging changes into the main branch. They help maintain code quality and facilitate collaboration.

Protect Branches

Enable branch protection rules to prevent force pushes and require pull request reviews before merging. This helps maintain a stable main branch.

Automate Tasks

Use GitHub Actions to automate tasks such as testing, building, and deploying your code. This can save time and reduce human error.


Keep your repository well-documented. A comprehensive README file, contributing guidelines, and a code of conduct can make your project more accessible and attractive to contributors.

How to Force Git Push?

Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers manage and track changes in their codebase. Sometimes, you might need to force push changes to a repository to overwrite previous commits. This article will guide you through creating a GitHub account, setting up a repository, deploying a website, and understanding how to force push in Git. Additionally, we’ll cover tips for using GitHub efficiently, provide FAQs, and conclude with best practices.

Table of Content

  • 1. Setting Up GitHub
  • 2. Forcing a Git Push
  • 3. Different Ways to Force Push
  • 4. Tips to Efficiently Use GitHub
  • Creating a GitHub repo and implementing git force push
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

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Forcing pushes in Git should be used with caution, but it can be a powerful tool when used correctly. By following best practices and understanding the implications, you can efficiently manage your Git repositories on GitHub. Remember to luse GitHub’s features, such as pull requests and branch protection, to maintain a healthy codebase....


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