Tree Topology

In tree topology nodes are connected in a hierarchical structure to form a tree. There is a root node in tree topology and the remaining nodes are considered as child nodes, basically it is a combination of star and bus topology. The central bus works as a communication pathway, and each star-configured network represents a level in the tree. In tree topology, a hierarchy is formed by the branching cable having no loops that connect the root with all other nodes for communication.

Tree Topology

Advantages of Tree Topology

  • Security is high in Tree Topology
  • Tree Topology is more reliable
  • Tree topology is more scalable
  • It allows more devices to be attached to a single central hub thus it decreases the distance that is traveled by the signal to come to the devices.
  • We can add new devices to the existing network.
  • Error detection and error correction are very easy in a tree topology.

Disadvantages of Tree Topology

  • If the central hub gets fails the entire system fails.
  • The cost is high because of the cabling.
  • If new devices are added, it becomes difficult to reconfigure.

Network Topology

In Computer Networks, Network Topology is the arrangement of the various elements of a communication network. Network Topology is a topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically. In this article, we are going to discuss network topology and its various types.

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Network topology refers to how devices in a computer network are connected. Network Topology is the way that defines the structure, and how these components are connected. Network Topology is divided into two types:...

Basic Terminology Related to Network Topology

Node: A node refers to any device or point in the network, such as computers, servers, routers, or switches. These nodes are crucial for transmitting and receiving data within the network. Link: A link signifies a physical or logical connection between two nodes, allowing data to flow between them. Links can be wired (Ethernet cables) or wireless (Wi-Fi). Topology: Topology is the arrangement or layout of nodes and links in a network. It determines how devices are interconnected and how data travels within the network....

Types of Network Topology

The arrangement of a network that comprises nodes and connecting lines via sender and receiver is referred to as Network Topology. Below are various network topologies that include:...

1. Mesh Topology

In Mesh Topology, every node has a dedicated point-to-point link in every other node. Such a network is called complete because, for any two devices, there is a special link and non-redundant links cannot be added to the main network....

2. Star Topology

In a Star Topology, all the nodes (PCs, printers and peripherals) are connected to the central server. It has a central connection point, like a hub or switch. In star topology .each device is connected with central hub....

3. Bus Topology

In bus topology, all stations are attached to the same cable. In the bus network, messages are sent to both directions from a single point. In the bus topology, signals are broadcast to all stations. Each computer checks the address on the signal (data frame) as it passes along the bus. If the signal’s address matches that of the computer, the computer processes the signal. If the address doesn’t match, the computer takes no action and travels down the bus....

4. Ring Topology

All the nodes in a Ring Topology are connected in a closed circle of cable. Messages that are transmitted travel around the ring unit they are addressed to, the signal being refreshed by each node. In a ring network, every device has exactly two neighbors for communication purposes....

5. Tree Topology

In tree topology nodes are connected in a hierarchical structure to form a tree. There is a root node in tree topology and the remaining nodes are considered as child nodes, basically it is a combination of star and bus topology. The central bus works as a communication pathway, and each star-configured network represents a level in the tree. In tree topology, a hierarchy is formed by the branching cable having no loops that connect the root with all other nodes for communication....

6. Hybrid Topology

Hybrid topology is the combination of two or more types of topology, they arise from the integration of multiple network topologies that is why called Hybrid Network Topology....

7. Point to Point Topology

Point-to-Point Topology is a type of topology that works on the functionality of the sender and receiver. It is the simplest communication between two nodes, in which one is the sender and the other one is the receiver. Point-to-Point provides high bandwidth....

8. Daisy Chain Topology

The daisy chain topology connects nodes along a chain of connections. Data is transported from one node to the next until it reaches its intended destination. There are two types of daisy chain network topologies: linear daisy chains and ring daisy chains....


In conclusion, network topology defines the structured arrangement of devices in a network, impacting data flow and connectivity. Key types include Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, Tree, Hybrid, Point-to-Point, and Daisy Chain topologies. Selecting the appropriate topology depends on factors like network size, scalability, cost, and reliability....

Frequently Asked Question on Network Topology – FAQs

How do I choose the right network topology?...