
Create a state that will store either the data from the local storage if present otherwise it will store initial value.Then everytime, when key or value changes we will the new key-value pair in the local storage. That’s it.

Example: Below is the code example for useLocalStorage():

// App.js

import React,
} from 'react';

// Custom hook to manage localStorage
const UseLocalStorage = (key, initialValue) => {
    const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
        const storedValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
        return storedValue ?
            JSON.parse(storedValue) :

    useEffect(() => {
        localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
    }, [key, value]);

    return [value, setValue];

// Example usage
const App = () => {
    const [localStorageValue, setLocalStorageValue] =
        UseLocalStorage('myLocalStorageKey', 'default');

    return (
            <p>Local Storage Value: {localStorageValue}</p>
            <button onClick={
                () =>
                    setLocalStorageValue('new value')}>
                Change Local Storage Value

export default App;



Managing Local Storage & Session Storage using React Hooks

To manage Loacal Storage and Session Storage, we can use hooks like useEffect and useState provided by React. Managing local or session storage is a repetitive task, so it is a good practice to create a custom hook that manages the storage properly.

In this article, I’ll cover the whole process of managing storage with the best industry standard practice.

Table of Content

  • 1. useLocalStorage()
  • 2. useSessionStorage()

To see some working examples we need to first setup our react app. . To setup a basic React App, refer to Folder Structure for a React JS Project article.

Now, we can create custom hooks. So, There are basically three operations that we need to perform:

  1. Insert the key-value pair
  2. Update the value with key
  3. Get the value by key

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1. useLocalStorage():

Create a state that will store either the data from the local storage if present otherwise it will store initial value.Then everytime, when key or value changes we will the new key-value pair in the local storage. That’s it....

2. useSessionStorage():

Create a state that will store either the data from the session storage if present otherwise it will store initial value.Then everytime, when key or value changes we will the new key-value pair in the session storage. That’s it....