How to use Advanced Regular Expression Features In MySQL

This includes advanced regex features that go beyond simple patterns to incorporate more complex matching options such as quantifiers, anchors and lookaheads/lookbehinds.

Suppose we would like to find phone numbers of a particular format.

SELECT mobile
FROM employees
WHERE mobile REGEXP '^(\\+\\d{1,2}\\s?)?(\\d{3}[-\\s]?)?\\d{3}[-\\s]?\\d{4}$';




  • ^ : It signifies the start of a given string.
  • (\\+\\d{1,2}\\s?)? : This is an optional international dialing code like +1 or +91 and could be followed by an optional space.
  • (\\d{3}[-\\s]?)? : Three digits that make up the area code might be followed by an optional dash or space.
  • \d{3}\s?-? : The phone number’s first three digits are then followed by a dash or space if necessary.
  • \d{4}$ : This is the last four digits of the phone number, which come before the end of any string.

How to Create Database Objects in MYSQL

MySQL, the widely used relational database management system, offers a robust set of tools for creating and managing database objects. To organize and manipulate data effectively, users can utilize SQL commands such as CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE INDEX, and CREATE PROCEDURE.

In this article, We will explore the creation of these database objects in MySQL by understanding various methods along with the examples in detail.

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Overall, By mastering the creation of database objects in MySQL, users can effectively organize and manage their data. Whether it’s creating tables to structure data, views to provide customized data perspectives, indexes to improve data retrieval performance, or stored procedures to automate common tasks....