How to use Array Filters In MongoDB

Array filters allow precise updates to specific elements within an array based on specified criteria.

Example: Updating User Contact Email

Suppose we want to update the contact’s email with a name equal to “John” for the user with _id equal to “user123“.

{ _id: "user123" },
{ $set: { "contacts.$[element].email": "" } },
{ arrayFilters: [{ "": "John" }] }


  • updateOne: The method to update a single document that matches the specified filter criteria.
  • { _id: “user123” }: The filter criteria to identify the specific user document to be updated.
  • { $set: { “contacts.$[element].email”: “” } }: The update operation using the $set operator to set the email field of the contact with the specified name. The $[element] placeholder represents the array element that matches the specified filter condition.
  • { arrayFilters: [{ “”: “John” }] }: The array filter condition specifies that the update should apply to the array element where the name equals “John”.


The output of the updateOne operation will confirm the number of documents matched and modified.

{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

The output confirms that one document in the collection was found and successfully modified as a result of the update operation.

Updating a Property of an Object in an Array within a MongoDB Document

In MongoDB, it’s common to store complex data structures within documents, including arrays of objects. Updating the property of an object within such an array can be a frequent requirement in many applications. This article will explore various methods to achieve this task, covering concepts like array filters, positional operators, and update operators. We’ll provide detailed examples and explanations to ensure a thorough understanding, even for beginners.

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